We all like waking up bushy-tailed and wide-eyed, but it doesn’t always happen that way. Today I want to share three simple ways you can have a productive morning with Honey Nut Cheerios™ cereal and Almond Breeze almondmilk.

I’m already dreading the arrival of daylight savings. Who hates daylight saving as much as I do? Usually, I would get up, roll over, hit snooze, and wish that I could go back to sleep. However, unfortunately, as a mother, it never happens, and my energy levels are usually depleted by the end of the day, sometimes even sooner.
The older you get, the more you realize that there are just some things that you can no longer do, and in my case, that includes eating or drinking. One such thing for me is drinking dairy. That’s why I love Almond Breeze almondmilk. Almond Breeze almondmilk is a good source of Vitamin A, D, E, and calcium. I also used to think that I would miss out on the calcium that regular milk gave, but did you know that the Unsweetened Vanilla almondmilk has 50% more calcium than skim milk? Paired with my Honey Nut Cheerios™, it’s a great way to start my morning.

1. Get a Good Nights’ Sleep
Sleep is essential to your overall health and wellbeing. I’m a natural grouch if I don’t get enough sleep, and it’s been said that adults need at least 8 hours of sleep. For some, it may mean going to bed earlier than usual, and here are a few tips to get you that restful night sleep that you’ve been dreaming of.
- Have a nice relaxing bath before bed
- Shut off all electronics and turn off the lights
- Skip the coffee and enjoy a nice warm glass of Almond Breeze almondmilk
2. Meditate Upon Waking
It’s been said that the way you awake usually shapes the rest of your day. Starting a meditation routine will help to set the tone for the day. It doesn’t have to be an elaborate meditation routine, and you can start with as little as five minutes and work your way up. Wake up with a positive outlook, and you’ll more than likely keep that outlook throughout the day.

3. Have a Good Breakfast
Breakfast doesn’t always have to consist of bacon, eggs, and sausage. You can have a fantastic breakfast with a bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios, made with whole grains, is low in fat, and contains fiber, vitamins, and minerals, paired with a glass of delicious Almond Breeze almondmilk. Personally, I prefer the Almond Breeze almondmilk Vanilla, but there are lots of other options available. Even though I am getting all the vitamins and calcium from my Almond Breeze almondmilk, I also love adding fresh fruits such as strawberries and blueberries for an added dose of Vitamin C and antioxidants. You’re going to need it for that get-up and go in the morning.
With these three very simple tips, you’re going to have one of the best mornings ever!