You Can Help Make A Difference – #GiveHopeWithCigna

I participated in an Influencer Activation on behalf of Influence Central for Cigna Foundation, in partnership with Samahope. I received a promotional item to thank me for my participation.

I remember when I first got pregnant with Madison the joy I felt knowing that I was going to have another baby. Granted she wasn’t planned, but it was still exciting. While I didn’t find out that I was having a girl until I went for my ultrasound around 3 months I had already started buying all the unisex baby clothes that I could find. When I did find out I however went crazy buying all the pink that I could lay my hands on. My eldest daughter was 16 and I thought how fun it would be to have another little girl in the household. I think I’ve told the story numerous times of how difficult my pregnancy was with her. Since I was active duty military I didn’t have to worry about medical care. I was taken care of and had no worries, OK I did worry but it wasn’t about my medical care. I had medical insurance so if something was to happen I knew that I could go to a hospital and I would be taken care of. Something did happen that placed me on bedrest for 2 months and something also did happen that made Madison come almost an entire month early, but I wasn’t afraid, I had doctors and nurses and medical equipment that would take care of me and my newborn. Unfortunately that isn’t the case with lots of mothers around the globe but with Samahope, in conjunction with the Cigna Foundation, we can make a difference.

photo credit: Samahope

We tend to take a lot for granted. Little things such as knowing that our healthcare while not the best in the world, is available in the event of an emergency. Little things such as knowing that our babies are in good hands in the event of delivery. These little things that we take for granted is not an option to every woman expecting a baby. Did you know that there are roughly 2 billion people across the globe who don’t have access to basic surgical care.  In underdeveloped countries, limited budgets and poorly equipped facilities can be the difference between life and death. These places need as much ongoing support and supplies as possible to consistently provide the kind of care that all mothers and babies deserve.

That’s where the Cigna Foundation with their partnership with Samahope comes in. This year’s Cigna Foundation World of Difference grant to Samahope is helping to train local nurses and fund doctors in India to provide treatment and surgery for people in need. Their mission is to improve maternal health and childbirth by helping to invest in training and infrastructure which is very important in those under-resourced countries. But they can’t do it alone. They need your help.

photo credit: Samahope

Did you know that every two minutes a woman dies from pregnancy or birth related cause that could have been prevented? Did you also know that only $5 can help provide a safe birth and protect 2 lives? Yes for just the price of your cup of coffee you can help save a life. That $5 will help fund a birth kit that includes the sterile tools to enable a Skilled Birth Attendant to protect a mother and child from life-threatening complications during childbirth.

With their 10,000 Lives Campaign, Samahope is on a mission to protect the lives of women and children in need. They however aren’t going to stop until they have funded enough birth kids for 5,000 babies and 5,000 moms. That is 10,000 lives and the good news is that they’re half-way there!

Samahope enables anyone, anywhere to directly fund doctors’ life-changing medical treatments for women and children in need. The Cigna Foundation is supporting the program because of its focus on helping people overcome barriers to their health and well-being related to factors such as ethnicity, race, gender, age, geography or economics.

photo credit: Samahope

So what are you waiting for? You can make a difference and make a donation of only $5 to fund a safe birth kit today. Donate today!

Let’s discuss: What things have you taken for granted that under developed countries may be in need of? 

Here are the ways to connect with Cigna Foundation:

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Here are the ways to connect with Samahope:

Website | Facebook | Twitter 

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