Why You Need to Teach Your Kids How to Read at A Young Age

Why You Need to Teach Your Kids How to Read at A Young Age

 There is a common misconception that people read less and less nowadays, and in some ways that’s true, but in others not so much! Due to the wonders of technology, reading’s never been more accessible; you can find whatever you like with the click of a button. Is it really true that toddlers nowadays learn how to use tablets before even learning how to speak or read? Maybe, but you can take this to your advantage. 

Here’s why you need to teach your kids how to read at a young age and some suggestions on how to do so!

Vocabulary Will Inevitably Expand.

Our brains need constant feeding and development, and what better way to do so than by reading something? Besides the obvious benefits, children who start reading sooner end up having an incredible vocabulary; the knowledge and skill just seep into their brains. The older you are, the worse you become at learning skills. So it’s safe to say that letting your child read at such a young age allows them to shape who they are, and that’s a big chunk of responsibility on your end. 

Better Communication Skills

Want to help your kid so they never end up being talkative and with lots of opinions? This is pretty important, as shyness starts to take a course at a young age, so you need to break it somehow. When you let your kids read a book, they are totally immersed in the book’s world; they consume social cues, gestures, sentences, and, above all else, how to speak to other people the right way. If you want to introduce more complex books for kids, do it as subtlely as possible!

They’ll Learn About the World Quickly.

The magic of reading all sorts and kinds of books is that you run away from your day-to-day life, but through these books, kids can see how real life functions—or partially. It’s the job of the parents to introduce everything around them to a wandering kid, and the best thing to do is to tactically let them read about it. 

It Does Wonders for the Imagination

Can kids even learn how to read today’s hyperfiction with PCs? The obvious answer is totally yes. With cartoons and video games at an all-time high at the moment, many preschoolers expressed their fears of kids forgetting how to do so. This is certainly not the case, and your child can prove a lot of people wrong. Reading not only helps boost brain power, it also boosts the other side of the brain, and that ends up producing quite the exciting scenery. With reading, your kid will enjoy the emotional connection, have better visionary skills, and have a better overall imagination!

Builds Independence

If you start reading to your kids first, once they learn how to read on their own, they will feel empowered and independent. This will certainly boost their confidence and willingness to do something without your help for the first time. This kind of behavior should be rewarded, and it has to be taken seriously. Don’t smother your child. If they picked up a book as early as 5 years old, you are doing a good job, so hand the book back to your kid and let them read to you instead! This will teach them to speak in front of people, and it will boost their confidence, as it should!

Head-Start at School

This is a given, but if your child knows how to read before even turning 6 years old, they are already ahead of most kids. This will come in handy when they start going to school. They will have a head start and generally perform better in school than kids who aren’t readers. This might be because children who read and who are trained to consume more information and details are more likely to be observant in class and to have good concentration. Not only will the child have a healthy, fun activity to do during breaks, but it will come in handy at all times!

At the end of the day, you shouldn’t pressure your child into doing anything. This might even derail their progress. But certainly, try to draw them into the world of books and teach them how fun yet beneficial they can be. Start with light books, see how your child progresses, and switch up to more complex pieces along the way. Always remember to reward and praise their progress, no matter how small it may be. Words of encouragement will do wonders!

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