Everyone needs a vacation from time to time, and whatever your budget, it’s a worthwhile way to spend your hard-earned cash. If you’re finding it a little challenge to save those vital last pennies, however, there are a few tricks you can try. There are even budgeting apps that will help you control your spending and find ways to cut back. You’ll find you can then funnel these extra bucks into a special vacation savings account. Here are five simple ways to save for your next trip.

Get your finances in order
Before you begin saving, you need to ensure your finances are in order. Pay off any outstanding debts and keep your savings separate from your monthly outgoings. It’s also important to secure your future finances, so be proactive and diversify your investments, speak to trust lawyers about estate planning, and put money aside for emergencies. This way, you can have peace of mind that you’ve got all the important bases covered.
Plan a realistic budget
In order to save the right amount you need to plan a realistic budget. Plan your itinerary ahead of time and factor in the costs of all the activities you want to do on vacation. Make a list of everything you need so that you can pack the essentials and budget for anything new you might want to buy to take with you. Always plan to save more than your predicted budget so that you have a buffer for unforeseen costs, as even the most frugal of travelers can get caught out sometimes.
Look for ways to cut costs
There are several ways to vacation on a budget. Look into low-cost accommodation such as camping, home exchange, Airbnb, or even renting an RV. Self-catering is a great option as you’ll spend less eating out in restaurants. You could also do an online sweep for deals and discounts on flights and places to stay. It’s often cheaper to explore off the beaten track as well, so plan to eat in smaller local restaurants and find free activities such as hiking in the countryside.
Use apps to control your spending
Let technology do the work for you and help you control your spending. With one of the best budgeting apps, you can keep track of even the smallest payments, and they will even give you notifications of where you can cut costs. This will help you to monitor your finances and be more mindful of your purchases. Plan your weekly budget and factor in your meal plan and smaller costs; then you can start to put away money little by little.
Create a separate savings account
Create a separate savings fund for your vacation. This way, you can plan fixed payments into your monthly budget and set up an automatic transfer. Pay your important bills and daily expenses separately, so you can ensure you have enough money for these. With a little organization, you can save the money you need for your next dream trip.