Madison as the baby of the family can sometimes feel left out, and it’s not intentional. As the youngest I would love to include her in all our activities, but unfortunately it doesn’t always happen. However, there are ways that I can spend time with her one on one and enjoy her while she’s still small, all while being comfortable wearing prAna.

Your baby isn’t going to remain a baby forever, and before you know it she’s graduating from high school and heading off to college. It’s happened with my eldest and it’s about with my son Kyle. I wonder, where did the time go? When did they become teenagers and young adults? While I would love for them to need me forever, I have to let go and give them their space and let them be independent. However, I want them to always realize that as their mother, I would always be there for them. With Madison, at the age of 5, I have been spending a bit more time with her since she’s started Kindergarten this year. If you have little one’s in your home, I want to share 4 easy ways you can enjoy them while they’re young. I also want to thank prAna for sponsoring this post. As you know I wear a lot of their clothing because they’re comfortable and I want to be comfortable when I’m out with my little one.

Read together
It doesn’t take much to read your child. Books are relatively cheap and you can even get free books via download on your Kindle app. Visit your local library and enroll your child so that you can instill the love of reading. Reading not only will help build their language and vocabulary skills, but you’ll be spending quality time together.
Visit a museum together
Another way to spend one on one time with your child is by visiting a local museum. Believe it or not, your child may actually enjoy the time spent more with you than they will looking at the exhibits. Answer their questions as best as you can and leave your frustration at the door. Kids will have a million questions and this is the time that patience will become your best virtue.
Take a trip to the zoo
Who doesn’t enjoy looking at the animals? I know I do! Make it a learning experience. Ask questions about the animals that they see and if your zoo offers a “feed the animal” exhibit, encourage your child to feed the animals. Visit the petting zoo and have your child pet the animals that they can. You’ll create memories that they can look back on.
Head to your local playground
Now if your low on funds, visiting the museum and the zoo (unless they’re free) may require spending money. What better way to spend some one on one time with your kid than at your local playground. You can even become a big kid yourself. Join in on their fun. Go down the slide, sit in the swing if you can, and even play around on the monkey bars. Remember, it’s all about having fun and enjoying your time together.
I do all of these and so much more, and I do them while wearing prAna. I have shared before how much I love their clothing and my reasons are still the same. I love companies that care about my environment, because I’m leaving this world behind for my future generations. I want them to experience a world that’s filled with goodness and love. I want to do what’s right for them and wearing sustainable, organic clothing is just one step in the right direction. Just take a look at the video below and see why organic cotton matters.
So join me and see what prAna is all about. Use code MHMAE15 and get 15% off your purchase.