More Than Working in a Supermarket: Ways Your Teen Can Easily Earn Money

More Than Working in a Supermarket: Ways Your Teen Can Easily Earn Money

There comes a point in your child’s life that they have to learn the value of money. Whether you’ve been banging your head against a wall trying to get your child to go out and work for a living, it’s important to remember there are so many ways that a teenager can earn money these days. What’s more, it’s important to show them how many opportunities they have at their disposal. As many teenagers might think that they need to go and work in a shop to earn money, there are so many more opportunities…

More Than Working in a Supermarket: Ways Your Teen Can Easily Earn Money


With every new generation of children that comes, they have a far refined set of IT skills. Even those in their 30s now cannot keep up with the generation before. The fact is it’s the way they’ve been living their lives. And this means that they can use this to their advantage. While you may have a creative child that can make arts and crafts and sell them online, or develop their own templates, there are other things that your child can do, especially if they stay at home more than you’d like. Something like the DTSS sovereign programs can help your child earn money if they are night owls, because they have to work a certain time. But it seems that every child has a considerable amount of IT skills which means that they don’t need to leave the home in order to make good money.


If your child is particularly skilled at something, they can teach it. It doesn’t have to be too complex to earn money as a teenager. If there was one subject in school that they were particularly skilled in, passing it on so they can make some extra money is surprisingly easy. The great thing about a teenager being a tutor is that they may get more respect from the person learning, especially if it’s someone around the same age. When children learn from an adult tutor, there can be that barrier between teacher and student, which is completely eradicated in this respect. What’s more, with being able to teach online, your teenager doesn’t even have to leave the house!


This isn’t lucrative right away, but you only have to look at the numerous gamer channels out there to see millions of people will watch someone play a game beginning to end. Amazingly, this can be a lucrative market. And this is something that many parents cannot comprehend. You may think that you’ve spent so long trying to discourage your child from playing video games that your relationship with them appears to be via the Xbox or PlayStation. But this is an approach that is definitely worth trying. If they are naturally skilled in games, rigging up a way to record them playing a game from beginning to end and uploading it onto YouTube is undoubtedly worth a try.

While there is value in doing a job you don’t like, the options for teenagers now are so wide-ranging, potentially they could do something they really care about and earn more money than we ever would as teenagers. There’s no need to go to the supermarket checkout and stay there for 12 hours anymore!

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