8 Unique Careers For Those Who Love Travel

Are you a travel enthusiast who can’t wait to plan the next dream or encounter a new culture? Traveling is a passion, but it is a passion that comes at a high cost. 

What if you could combine your job and your love of travel? There are many remote careers nowadays that make traveling possible in a variety of industry sectors. Yet, how about working exclusively in the travel industry in one way or another? If this sounds appealing, you could take your love of foreign cultures, languages, and landscapes to the next level, building your photo album as you build your career. Here are unique career opportunities for travel lovers, whether they enjoy going on new trips or meeting new people.

Unique Careers For Those Who Love Travel

#1. Become a flight attendant

The cabin crew not only gets to travel for free, but it’s also a requirement for the job. As a flight attendant, your job is to keep everybody onboard safe by responding to emergencies as they occur and ensuring that people follow the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regulations. 

If you consider a career as a steward or stewardess, you will first need to attend flight attendant training and gain a certificate from the FAA. Airlines prefer candidates with no health issues and good vision due to the nature of the role. You do not need additional studies, as a high school diploma or GED is enough for this career path. Yet, it’s worth checking each airline’s preferences, as some will privilege applicants who have a college degree.

It’s the ideal role to discover new places if you enroll on international flights! 

#2. Become a travel photographer

Despite the popularity of platforms such as Instagram, travel photographers still have huge career opportunities. Indeed, smartphones are able to take fantastic photos. But they do not replace an eye for details and the opportunity to capture unique moments with your lens. Many smartphone shoots displayed on social media have been edited through a filter to enhance a specific aspect, either the light, the skin texture, or the shape of the subject. As a travel photographer, your job is to show the reality of what you see. 

There is more than one type of travel photography, so it’s essential to set goals first. Some photographers specialize in a unique region of the world, such as Africa or Asia, and others prefer a specific subject. Some photographers capture wild animals all around the world, for instance, or local cuisine. As a travel photographer, you can work with travel guide publishing companies, travel agencies, etc. You could also work with journalists to capture local events for the international press.  

#3. Become a travel writer

A travel writer is essentially a journalist on the go who reports objective information and everyday facts about the places they visit. As a travel writer, you are likely to publish on a specialist blog to showcase your trips and share tips about the local culture. It can be a difficult career choice as many travel writers are independent and must make a name for themselves through quality content and good digital skills. 

Yet, getting known can open the door to major opportunities, such as being invited by foreign establishments to create sponsor content about their venues and facilities, partnering with travel agencies all around the world, and witnessing famous sites before your readers. 

#4. A hotel manager

Running a hotel in a popular tourist location can be a game-changer if you love to travel. A hotel manager plays a significant role in encouraging travel opportunities through unique partnerships and services. It is not uncommon for travelers to rely on their hotel for additional bookings, such as attractions or restaurants. Additionally, the hotel team must be aware of a variety of cultures and languages to cater to international guests with respect. Your love for travel can come in handy in creating a unique atmosphere for your guests and introducing helpful services for them. Some hotels, such as Wyndham with its trademark collection, provide a franchise opportunity that lets you build an independent platform. You could create the perfect hotel that matches your travel-loving personality. 

While hotel managers may not get to travel as much as other professionals, they are seasoned travelers who want to welcome international tourists and make them feel at ease through cultural and language awareness. 

#5. Become a travel guide

The idea that travel guides are local residents who speak a foreign language is inaccurate. Some of the best travel guides are people who have fallen in love with a city or a region and decided to explore all its mysteries. You could supplement your love for trips and travels by sharing your knowledge with tourists. 

Becoming a travel guide differs from one country to another. Ideally, you may find spots with the local travel agency or tourist information point. Sometimes, specialist organizations run guided tours, such as the local museums or a unique attraction venture. They are always looking for guides who can provide fluent and accurate tours to their many visitors. They don’t always require accreditation or a degree. However, they may run background checks and expect you to speak the local language confidently. So, if you have fallen in love with Madrid and have decided to live in Spain for a while, you could be running guided tours for American tourists during your spare time! 

#6. Become an elope/proposal expert

Eloping is perhaps one of the most romantic decisions a couple could make. When a couple elopes, they will need to organize a small, remote wedding. It is an intimate moment that will be highly meaningful to them. Yet, eloping abroad in a distant country can be tricky as many couples struggle to find the right eloping package with local companies. 

If you have knowledge of different countries, you can help couples select their destinations and get in touch with the relevant organizations. You can also act as a witness/interpreter for them, ensuring things can get done the way they need. 

Additionally, when a partner is planning to propose to their loved one during a trip, they can struggle to find information and support. Indeed, while many countries have organized and experienced eloping institutions, proposals remain difficult to organize. It could also be a source of comfort for them to know that there is someone who can speak on their behalf to get things planned with local residents. You can also help them get the perfect photo in a gorgeous spot through recommendations and networking with your contacts. 

#7. Become an English teacher

Teaching English as a foreign language abroad will require unique qualifications, such as a teaching certification in English (TEFL). TEFL arranges for recruitment opportunities abroad as a full-time teacher in schools or in a variety of institutions, such as providing adult workshops in companies or supporting empowerment programs on a one-off basis. 

As a teacher with TEFL, you can get to travel and discover new places based on your assignments. Many job opportunities also provide accommodation and partial meals depending on the location and requirements, so it could make visiting new countries a lot more affordable!

You can also build a network of contacts, so local schools or companies can directly get back to you if they need your services again in the future. Beware, though, as you will be expected to comply with the local cultural requirements. So if you happen to be teaching in Saudi Arabia as a woman, people will expect you to show respect to the culture and wear a headscarf, even if it isn’t something you would do in your day-to-day life at home.  

#8. Become a travel companion

Some people don’t feel comfortable or safe traveling alone. Yet, they are missing out on fantastic opportunities to discover beautiful countries out of fear! It can be a profitable venture to offer your services as a travel companion. This can cover a variety of situations, as unique as arranging for a wheelchair-friendly trip for a disabled traveler or acting as a medical assistant for a severely ill tourist. Sometimes, a single traveler feels unsafe going alone and needs a companion for both physical and mental safety. Situations can vary greatly, so it’s essential to define your niche precisely. 

As a travel companion, you will need to build special skills. For instance, it can be helpful to take first aid training to make sure you know how to react. If you are traveling with a severely ill or handicapped client, you may want to get specialist training, as it could save their lives! 

Are you ready to bring your travel experience and knowledge to the next level? Whether you choose to stay in one location and utilize your experience as a basis to help others, or you choose to travel and share your knowledge with people is entirely up to you. For instance, creative professionals will prefer photography or writing services, and entrepreneurs may choose a franchised hotel. And those who have chosen to relocate abroad may want to use their English skills as guides or teachers. As mentioned, there is a vast range of options available depending on your preferences and skill set. Which travel career is the right one for you? 

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