Types Of Kayaks: How To Choose The Right Kayak For Your Needs

Confused about the different types of kayaks available? Learn about how to choose the right one for your needs and have an amazing experience kayaking!

The majority of kayak enthusiasts love it for that reason alone: uncertainty and excitement. You never know if you will be taking it to big bodies of water and be exposed to huge waves and wind, or if the temperature of the water is going to be too freezing or just about right. Many people are wondering, when deciding to go on a kayak, especially beginners, where to start?

If you are one of those people, you are probably more concerned about having a very stable kayak that will not tip over so easily on your very first ride. With such thoughts in mind, the first thing to do is ask how to choose the perfect kayak for you.

They come in various sizes and shapes, so it is important to understand all available options as well as other important factors. With that being said, thankfully, this advice will be most useful since it will discuss just that and how to choose the right kayak for your needs.


Kayaks, in fact, can be broken down into a couple of specific categories. Kayaks that are wider, have large cockpits that do not feel confined, and are wider are considered recreational kayaks. Usually, they are long, between 9 and 12 feet.

Touring kayaks are on the other end of the spectrum, though. Their design makes them faster and able to deal with many types of conditions. Cockpits are small and are designed to be used with the skirt, which keeps the water out. Touring kayaks are also narrow and long. Since the cockpit is small, it allows you to use hooks to grapple the boat with your legs, which, as a result, gives you more control over the boat. It would be a good idea, if you are a beginner, to go on a sea kayaking course if you would like to use a touring kayak.

They are far less stable than recreational kayaks and can be confined because of their small cockpits. Especially if you flip over, even though they are easy to get out of. Kayaks will travel faster if they are long and narrow, while on the other hand, the wider they are, the more stable and slower they will be.

Sit-in kayaks are considered to vary a lot with their size and shape, while sit-on-top kayaks are considered recreational ones because of how wide they are and since stability on them is quite high. 


One of the user-friendliest kayaks is the sit-on-top type. They are very easy to gain access to and are stable, too. There is no feeling of being cramped inside this kayak. The water will drain through small holes called scuppers, which make the sit-on-top kayak self-bailing. Another great thing about sit-on-top kayaks is that you can go in and out of them with ease. For these reasons, they are a great choice for children. All these features are more ideal for an environment that is warmer and has rougher water conditions. If you love to paddle or have a kid who likes to swim, this is a good choice for you.

Keep in mind that before you sit inside one, you should determine which length will suit you the most.


Paddlers who like to be in cooler waters and want to stay dry during the paddling should use a sit-in kayak. This kayak also provides greater speed. It has a downside, though. It is not a simple process to recover from a flip if it occurs. 

In case that regardless you wish to use a  sit-inside kayak, do remember to decide on its length as well. 


In case you would like your riding experience to be more relaxing and to give you free hands to take photos, it would be best to choose a kayak with a pedal propulsion system. Pedal kayaks use pedals similar to the one’s bike would have, which would power the pair of fins.

You can steer by using a rudder which can be operated over a hand control. usually, you would sit higher so the pedal motion would be possible. These kayaks are wide and in calm conditions, they can provide a stable platform. 

Have in mind, since you are using your leg muscles a lot, you may be able to sustain longer stretches if you are in shape. 

Traveling by kayak will let you enjoy breathtaking views that can not be seen from ashore if at the seaside, or feel like one with a forest while on a lakeside. using a kayak will let you explore nature in a way you could not on foot. 

Just imagine how wonderful the feeling would be to feel the sun on your skin with a few droplets of water in the morning while riding in a perfect kayak that suits your needs. 

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