One of the most common causes of anxiety in dogs is separation anxiety. Dogs that are left alone for long periods of time can become very anxious, which leads to destructive behaviors and other problems. The good news is that there are many ways to treat this condition, so you don’t have to worry about it!

Can It Be Treated?
Dogs that suffer from separation anxiety can be a handful for their owners. Symptoms of the disorder can include barking, whining, scratching, and even urinating and defecating in inappropriate places. As highlighted by Pawsome Dog Stuff, separation anxiety can often be an invisible condition in many dogs, masked as something else. While some people may believe that the only way to treat separation anxiety is with obedience training, there are other methods that can also be successful. So the answer to the question is yet, separation anxiety in dogs can be treated. The thing to focus on is how to treat it. Below are some methods that can be used to help your fur baby overcome their anxiety.
Method #1: Desensitization
One way to help your dog overcome their anxiety is through desensitization. This means that you will slowly expose them to the things that cause them anxiety in a controlled setting. For example, if your dog becomes anxious when they are left alone, you can begin by leaving them in the room with you for just a few minutes. Then, you can increase the time they are left out of your sight by a few minutes at a time until their anxiety is gone completely.
Method #2: An Exercise Routine
Another great way to help your dog overcome separation anxiety is through an exercise routine. When dogs get enough physical activity throughout the day, it helps them release pent-up energy. This will help them feel more relaxed when you are away from home. So, be sure to play with your dog every day and take them for regular walks or jogs as well!
Method #3: A Special Treat When You Return Home
Another thing that can really help dogs overcome their anxiety is a special treat when you return home. You can use this method of reinforcement to help them associate your arrival with something positive, which will make it easier for them to deal with any feelings of anxiety they might have in the future.
Method #4: A Dog Walker or Pet Sitter
One other option is hiring a dog walker or pet sitter to come and spend some time with your dog while you are away from home. This might not be the best option for all dogs, but it can definitely help those that suffer from extreme separation anxiety. This is a good method combined with other forms of treatment.
Method #5: Veterinary Behaviorist
If you are having a lot of trouble dealing with your dog’s separation anxiety, you may want to consider consulting a veterinary behaviorist. This is a specialist who can help you come up with a treatment plan that is specifically tailored to your dog’s needs. They might recommend using a combination of the methods listed above, or they might suggest trying something else entirely.
When you get your dog back from the veterinarian, it is important to continue their treatment plan and follow any instructions given by the vet carefully. If this does not work on its own, then some other form of treatment may be needed as well. You do not want to give up hope on your dog, though. With patience and perseverance, you can help them overcome their anxiety and lead a happy life!
Method #6: Medication
In some cases, medication may be necessary in order to help your dog overcome their separation anxiety. This is often the last resort and should only be used if other methods have failed. There are several different types of medications that can be prescribed by a veterinarian, so you will need to work with them to find the best option for your dog.
There are many ways to treat separation anxiety in dogs. All it takes is some time, effort, and love on your part. No matter what treatment method you choose for your dog, it is important to be patient and consistent. It might take a while for them to overcome their anxiety, but with patience and dedication, it can be done! Be sure to consult with your veterinarian if you are having any trouble dealing with your dog’s anxiety, and they will be more than happy to help! Your dog will be happy for your love and attention as you work together to treat their anxiety.