Details For Travel Insurance In Your 60s

When we go on holiday, the last thing we want is to get ill or experience a medical emergency. Often this can lead to unwanted expenses but so a lot of worry and concern. Therefore, it’s incredibly important to get travel insurance if you’re over the age of 60, especially if you have a pre-existing medical condition.

Finding the right travel insurance will ensure that you’re covered for any medical emergencies while you’re away and you won’t need to worry about unexpected medical bills should something happen. Find yourself a travel insurance over 60 plan that will provide you with peace of mind knowing that you have comprehensive cover.

Since the pandemic, the risk of Covid-19 provides even more reason to invest in the correct travel insurance of rover 60s, and many companies are offering enhanced packages to cover this. 

travel insurance in your 60s

Reasons to Purchase Over 60s Travel Insurance 

If you’re thinking of retiring soon and have a bucket list of all the places you’d love to visit, then finding the right travel insurance will be a top priority. Perhaps you’ve got everything else ready, from your passport to a whole new wardrobe, but finding the right travel insurance can be complicated at times. However, it’s worth it as it will give you the added layer of security, allowing you to unwind knowing that if something doesn’t go to plan while you’re on holiday, things are sorted. 

The rate of claims made by UK holidaymakers is astounding. From lost luggage and delayed flights to covering surrounding medical emergencies associated with Covid-19, you need the right travel insurance for over 60s.

Investing in the right travel insurance plan gives you the freedom to travel, especially after the Coronavirus pandemic. It’s important to ensure your trips abroad are as safe as possible. Therefore, making sure you do have the right cover will give you the confidence to travel the world.

Getting Cover for Pre-existing Medical Conditions

The older we get, the more our bodies tend to suffer from conditions related to aging. Many older travelers tend to have underlying health conditions that are pre-exist the time they take out travel insurance. Having a pre-existing medical condition may increase the cost of your travel insurance but many plans for over 60s take this into consideration. 

A pre-existing medical condition is any illness or injury for which you’ve experienced symptoms, treatment, investigations, surgery, or medical appointments within the last five years. It’s vital to declare such conditions on your travel insurance plan. Some examples of pre-existing medical conditions include:

  • High Blood Pressure
  • Diabetes
  • High Cholesterol
  • Heart Disease
  • Cancer
  • Stoke 
  • Arthritis
  • Atrial Fibrillation

It’s important that when you take out over 60s travel insurance, that you declare all pre-existing medical conditions that you have. If you don’t declare your conditions, it can often make your insurance policy invalid. Fortunately, it’s easy to declare pre-existing medical conditions. With most insurers, you can share all necessary information in minutes and get comprehensive cover to suit your personal situation. 

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