It’s our weekly Saturday tips and this week I want to talk about things to do with your kids during the summer. Kids love the thought of being out of school for the summer, and during the first couple of weeks, they can find something to do to keep them occupied. However, after those first couple of weeks, you will hear them constantly say that they are bored. Trying to keep them occupied can be a bit challenging, especially if you only have the weekends off. Make plans to do things during the weekend.
Here are a few ideas of places you can visit that your young children will surely enjoy.

1. Visit a Recreation Center
Plan on taking them to the local recreation center. Usually, there are activities that they can participate in that are geared toward specific ages. Dance classes, aerobics, mommy-tot classes, gymnastics, tae kwon do, art classes, and other similar activities may be offered. It will give them an opportunity to learn a new skill and perhaps meet some new friends.
Make sure to involve your kids from the start and allow them to pick the activities on their own. Parents from all around Quebec are taking their children to kids group dance lessons in Montreal, where they can socialize and learn a lot of new moves. Plus, it’s a healthy and fun activity that can keep them active during the summer.
2. Visit the Beach
Take along some sunscreen, beach towels, sun glasses, and a change of clothing and head to the beach. Your kids will enjoy playing in the sand, and dipping their toes into the water. They might even decide to take a dip or skip rocks over the water. Chances are they will also bring home a collection of beach pebbles, driftwood, or even seashells.
3. Visit the Local Zoo
Children love to get a firsthand look at animals. Why not take them to your local zoo? Here, they can enjoy viewing the animals and seeing them in their natural habitat. If your children are a little older, have them take along a notepad and pencil. Have them write down each animal and some things that they learned about the animal. You can surprise them all with a little reward at the end of the excursion for what they have learned.

4. Plan a Picnic
Plan a picnic over at your local state park. Take along some water, pre-made food, or stuff that you can barbecue. Remember to take along some sunscreen and some sports toys, such as a badminton racquet, baseball equipment, and a Frisbee. You may also want to pack swimming attire, as the park may have swimming facilities or a lake in which you can swim.
5. Visit the Museum or Science Center
Your local museum or science center is a great place for entertaining kids. Your local museum will have many exhibits pertaining to the history of mankind. Some may also have hands-on exhibits for kids to explore. The same thing applies to the Science Center. There are many exhibits to educate people about science and technology. Plan your visit when there is a hands-on exhibit available. Although kids love visual effects, they also like to get the feel of things and create things themselves.
6. Visit a Water Park or Amusement Park
Plan a trip to your local water park or amusement park before the summer is over. Get more bang for your buck by heading to the amusement park, which may also have a water park area as well. Your kids will not only enjoy the rides, but all the theme park snacks available too.

These are just a few places to take your kids during the summer. It will give them something to look forward to and take away the boredom. Although they long for the school year to end, before you know it, they will be anxious to get back to school.
What about you? What do you do to keep your kids occupied during the summer?