Summer is almost over, and I am happy, yes I said it! I am so not a fan of the hot weather, but I’m also not a fan of Winter either. My favorite season is almost upon us, and I’m here to say, “bring on the fall!”. While Summer for us meant vacations and having the kids at home, I know I’m not the only one who lives for school to reopen so that the kids can head back to school. I was probably one of the happiest mom on the first day of school.
The kids were out of the house, and I got the house all to myself again. However, my youngest is still at home, but I can deal with watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse all day long, for now! The only thing I would prefer not to hear is, “Mommy, can you wipe my bum?” whenever she uses the bathroom. Granted, we now use Charmin® Essentials Strong toilet paper, which can withstand anything, but if only she didn’t have to call me to do it.
I have a household mostly filled with men, and we the females are outnumbered. Between my husband and both sons, I could never keep toilet paper in stock. It seemed that as soon as I buy a packaged roll, they were gone. Not sure what they do with the toilet paper in the bathroom, but I believe that toilet paper should not disappear that quickly. I was one of those who was a big Scott® fan. I had to always have their 1000 roll just because of that very reason. However, Charmin® unveiled their Charmin® Essentials Strong and urged users to compare them to their current roll, and I was up for the challenge.
What can I tell you? Well, I can tell you that I more than likely won’t be going back to Scott® 1000 toilet paper. Not only is the Charmin® Essentials Strong a much bigger roll, but it is just as strong, and I don’t have to compromise on quality or price. I can now comfortably place rolls of toilet paper in the kids’ bathroom, and I know that the next day I’m not going to hear, “Mommy, we need toilet paper.” While this is a one-ply toilet paper just like the Scott®, I’ve noticed that it doesn’t rip as easily, which is why it has undoubtedly earned the name STRONG. And when you have kids, you need strong!
So what do I do with all those empty rolls that the kids go through? Well, Madison and I decided to make crafts with them. Madison just loves butterflies, and we made toilet paper roll butterflies with our empty toilet paper rolls. With Charmin® Essentials Strong, it might be a while before you have empty rolls, so be patient.
Toilet Paper Roll Butterflies
Supplies Needed:
Cardstock paper
Empty toilet paper rolls
Glue/adhesive (we used Alene’s Tacky Glue)
Googly Eyes
Heart punch (or use scissors to cut your own hearts)
1. Spread some glue around your empty toilet paper roll.
2. Next, cut your cardstock paper in half. With ½ of the paper, you’re going to wrap it around the empty toilet paper roll and cut off the excess.
3. Now with the other half of your cardstock paper, you can either punch out your hearts or cut them with your scissors. Also, cut two thin pieces that we will also use as the butterflies antennas.
4. Attach your hearts to either side of your now decorated toilet paper roll. These will be your wings. You can use one or two as Madison did with hers.
5. Attach the antennas on the inside of the tube and the googly eyes below the antennas, or wherever your little one feel they go best.
That’s it! Easy peasy! You now have some cute butterflies and have made use of those empty toilet paper rolls.
Charmin® is inviting you to upgrade your own Scott® 1000 for Charmin® Essentials Strong or if you are an Angel Soft® user for their Charmin® Essentials Soft. It’s effortless, all you have to do is simply tweet your toilet paper swap out request to @Charmin on Twitter using the hashtag #CharminEssentials and #Promotion, and Charmin will send you a free roll. Check out their terms and conditions for full details.
Let’s discuss: Have you tried Charmin® Essentials Strong?