As a toddler’s parent, you know how it feels being in a constant state of motion and emotion. Your children’s daily requirements and activities will alter as he or she grows and develops.
Look more deeply at what to consider acceptable of eating and nutrition, sleeping, protection, health problems, and more throughout the toddler stage.
You offer your children a solid start as a parent by nurturing, protecting, and guiding them. Parenting is a method that enables your child to become self-sufficient. There are several things you may do to assist your child when they develop and grow.
Discover more about their growth, healthy parenting, protection, and health at every phase of your kid’s growth.

Parenting 101 for Toddlers
- Tips for Daily Life
Toddlers like demonstrating their new physical abilities. They spend hours exploring, climbing and playing. Going to pick up pebbles, pouring in or out of huge jars, and playing types of games such as peek-a-boo are among their favorite hobbies.
A young toddler’s day would be divided into four parts: feeding, sleeping, playtime, and nappy changing. A more mature child would have more time to have fun and be excited to engage in whatever activities you are doing.
Toddlers who attend daycare will most likely enjoy observing the other children play. Your child may like being among the other children as they play with their toys, even though they are too young to play together.
- Food and Nutrition
The quantity of nutrients a toddler requires varies depending on the kid, any medical conditions, and, obviously, physical exercise.
The experts predict that your child will require around 900 and 1,200 calories per day. Typically 1-year-olds require around 1,000 calories a day, spread out over three meals and snacks during the day.
It’s important to remember that it’s typical for toddlers to have irregular feeding routines. They may overeat in the morning, graze throughout the remainder of the day, and not be famished for dinner.
They could do the exact opposite the following morning. It might be aggravating as a parent, yet “cluster” eating or times when they just eat more is considered a reasonable tendency for toddlers.
- Feeding Formula to Your Toddlers
Breast milk, as well as formula, are required for your child’s growth and development while they are a newborn. Solid foods are offered as babies become older, although mother’s milk and formula remain the primary sources of sustenance.
Some of the same components are used as in newborn formula. Many elements in a toddler’s formulas, such as artificial sweeteners, thickeners/stabilizers, and artificial nutrients, really aren’t helpful for your kid, as experts described when recommended an organic formula for toddler.
The toddler formula is designed for children aged nine months through 3 years. It’s designed to serve as a bridge between baby formula and even whole milk.
- Physical Exercise
According to the health experts, toddlers must acquire 30 minutes of planned physical exercise every day and an hourly or more of uncontrolled physical exercise.
Spending quality time at the playground or taking your kid for a stroll around the block are both wonderful ideas.
Toddlers normally have little trouble getting adequate physical activity. Playing is labor for kids. Playing allows infants to improve their motor abilities, acquire fundamental concepts like colors and numerals, and enhance solving skills, critical analysis, creativity, and much more.
A lively child is on the move, and it can be hard to keep them engaged and attentive. You’ll have lots of opportunities to explore new things as a toddler’s attention grows and their attitude becomes much more consistent and controlled.
Toddlers are generally interested, and this is an excellent time for some parent-child lessons. There are many organized hobbies for older kids, ranging from football to yoga, singing to dancing.
- All Around Your Home
Almost all of the time that your toddler is awake, he or she will want to be near you. It’s critical to include kids in several of the things you’re conducting.
While it may be simpler and faster doing everything alone, enabling your toddler to assist in even subtle ways may keep them motivated and teach them vital skills. You might tell them to put a paper in the garbage for you or let them clean beside you with their toy sweeper.
Trying to pick up items, placing dirty clothes in the basket, and placing books back in the bookshelf will be the majority of toddler tasks. Your child will most likely want to assist you with tasks as well. Allow a more mature toddler to help you clean up spills, care for pets, and make the bed.
Communicating with your child is essential for them to improve their language abilities.
During your conversation, use descriptive language to express the color and shape of objects. You could even describe what they’re on about by making statements like, “You’re putting up a structure out of blocks.” The bricks were knocked down by you.”
The ideal method to spend some time with your kid is to join them just on a carpet in some kind of child-friendly environment and listen to their suggestions. Play with them if they’re enjoying their time with dolls.
- Health and Safety of Your Kid
Regular health checks are essential for ensuring that your kid meets developmental milestones on time. These checks also let your pediatrician monitor their development and immunize them against specific diseases.
- Doctor’s Appointment
Toddlers frequently have well-child appointments with a pediatrician.
The pediatrician should check for the following things during these visits:
- Autism.
- Difficulties with development.
- The risk of lead poisoning is examined.
- Obesity with an annual BMI.
- Tuberculosis screening by 1 month after recognizing high-risk indicators, 6 months later, and then annually starting at 12 months.
Ear infections, runny noses, and skin conditions are common in toddlers.9 Consult your physician if you have any concerns regarding your child’s growth or sleeping or feeding habits.
Make a point of mentioning any recent life changes. A new relationship, a relocation to a new location, or a shift in a childcare center might all have an impact on your child’s wellbeing.
- Potty Instructions for the Toddler
Inquire with your physician about the child’s preparedness for toilet training. Your pediatrician can assist you in determining the most appropriate moment to begin training your kid to use the potty.
For toddlers, learning to use the toilet is a significant achievement. While it might be difficult for parents, most mothers and fathers look forward to life after nappies.
Before starting toilet training, your kid should have met certain developmental stages. These abilities include the capacity to identify when they should go, urine and bowel control, as well as the ability to interact with you when children have to use the potty.
It’s also crucial to consider whether or not a kid is enthusiastic about using the toilet. They could be prepared to potty train if they show signs of distress when they have wet nappies.
- Sleeping Habits
Even though many children stay asleep, sleep problems can still occur at this age. And sleep deprivation can result in tantrums and overall irritability in toddlers.
Please remember that your child requires up to 14 hours of sleeping every day, so keep to a schedule that includes lots of naps as well as an early bedtime.
- Certain Rules Should Be Dropped
As your child strives to gain independence throughout their toddler years, enforcing a rigorous set of rules will only lead to a power struggle. Don’t force your preferences on them. Give them options instead. Allow them to make choices for themselves, just as you do daily.
So, for supper, offer them a choice of chicken or spaghetti and let them select. They will feel like they have a voice in what they eat, but you’ll still make sure the child eats something nutritious for supper.
- Take the Initiative of Complimenting Good Behavior
We all know the need for time-outs when our toddler acts up. However, parents sometimes forget to congratulate their kids when they display positive behavior. We’re so interested in preventing bad conduct that we miss out on the positive.
If you compliment children on their positive conduct, they are more willing to repeat it. Give your child plenty of vocal praise, along with a peck on the cheek and hug, the next time they scoop up and put the toys back or eat their vegetables without fuss.
- Opt for Small Talk
Small talk is the best strategy to enhance your kid’s speech development. Point out various items in the automobile, like cars, buses, homes, as well as other structures. You can discuss how objects differ in terms of scale, color, form, and what various items do. You’ll be surprised about what your kids recall the next time you’re driving! Of course, reading to them and singing with them will help them acquire linguistic skills and structures.
The Essentials for Good Parenting
It is very important to look after yourselves before you raise a healthy and happy baby. Great conversations, along with quality time with your toddlers, mean a great deal to them in their growing years. Taking care of their health, cleanliness, and going to the doctor regularly is also important.