Eat your vegetables. Get some exercise. Be happy.
These are things we know we should do because they’re good for us, but let’s be honest—for most of us, that’s easier said than done. Many of us put our own mental wellness on the backburner, claiming we’re too busy taking care of others to spare a few minutes for ourselves.
We should be smarter than that. After all, you need to take care of yourself in order to truly take care of others, whether you’re a caregiver by profession or you’re simply trying to keep your family healthy, happy, and safe. If you’ve felt like your mindset could use some improvement, here are a few tips that can improve your mental wellbeing:

Stay connected.
Since the pandemic, one of the toughest things about social distancing is not getting to spend time with coworkers, friends, and family. These relationships are invaluable, and the time we spend socializing each day works wonders for our mental health without us even realizing it.
You should make staying in touch with the ones you love a priority, and your mental wellbeing is guaranteed to increase. Schedule a virtual dinner with a friend over Zoom. FaceTime a family member. Catch up with someone you haven’t spoken with in ages. Thanks to technology, it’s easier than ever to stay connected.
Write it out.
Another great way to improve your mental wellbeing? Journal. There’s something about putting words on paper—or typing them into your phone or computer, if that’s your preference—that’s incredibly therapeutic. And sometimes, it can be easier to work out a problem when it’s literally spelled out in front of you.
Break the routine.
If you’re stuck in a mental rut because you’re doing the same thing each day, there’s an easy way to fix that problem: find something to do to change it up. Consider trying a new recipe or ordering takeout from a new spot. Eat dinner on the patio. Go for a drive through a different part of town. Pick a new hobby and give it a shot: painting, rollerblading, gardening, or baking.
Burn some energy.
Anxious? Tired? Stress-eating? Bored? There’s a simple solution that will move your mental state to a much more positive place: exercise.
Working out can be a game-changer in terms of turning your day around. If you never exercise at all, the first few sessions may be more stress-inducing than therapeutic, but if you stick with it, you’ll truly experience the great mental benefits of physical exercise.
Hate to run? That’s totally fine. From archery and badminton to yoga and zumba, there are a million ways to get your heart rate up and break a sweat. Consider trying different things until you find what works for you!
Improving your mental health isn’t rocket science; it’s the opposite. Countless people have studied and reported on the ways you can take your mental wellbeing from a negative state to a more positive place. These are just a few of the best steps you can take today to improve your mental wellbeing.