The Top Things To Pack If You’re Traveling With Your Dog

Traveling with your dog is a very big responsibility. Firstly, you’ve got to make sure that your dog is comfortable during travel. You’ll need to provide them with safety and comfort at all times. Plus, you want to make sure that they’re well-behaved because if they’re not, then you can get into trouble especially when traveling around the world. Here are the things to pack if you’re traveling with your dog

Dog Food

Dog food is the number one thing to pack when traveling with your dog. It doesn’t matter how long your trip is going to last, if you’re going away for a week, then you’ll need at least 7 days’ worth of food. You’ll want to keep your dog well fed because you don’t want them to get hungry and if they’re not getting their normal diet, then this can cause diarrhea and other problems.

The dog food that you pack should be of good quality. You don’t want to give them your food because this can have a negative effect on their health. Instead, choose a dog food that’s specifically manufactured for dogs’ needs and avoid any food that has a lot of artificial ingredients in it. Keep in mind that different types of dogs need different types of dog food. For a Jack Russell, you’ll need to get dog food that’s richer in proteins. This is because they’re very active dogs, who will require extra energy. Here are some other dogs and the kind of food they need:

  • Bulldog: Dry dog food
  • Chihuahua: Grain-free, easy to digest foods
  • Dachshund: Lower protein content and higher fibre.
  • Pug: Lower protein content and higher fibre
  • Yorkie: Low-fat, low-calorie dog food that contains ingredients that help in promoting intestinal health. You’ll want to avoid rich meats for this breed.

Dog Toys

Toys are another top thing to pack when you’re traveling with your dog. When searching for toys, make sure that these toys are made from durable materials so they can last through your trip. You also want to make sure that you don’t bring a lot of toys with you because if you do, then this will increase the difficulty of carrying them around plus it takes up a lot of space in your bag or whatever baggage you’re going to be using.

If you’re going to a foreign country, then make sure that the dog toys you bring are provided by the company that will be looking after your dog. This is because they can tell you which ones are appropriate for that particular country since every country has its own rules and regulations. Some countries aren’t friendly with certain types of dog toys as they pose a threat to the environment.

Dog Collar 

A collar is another thing to pack when you’re traveling with your dog. Experience has shown that most dogs don’t like wearing collars during travel because they can be restricting, plus it can be very uncomfortable for them. You, however, should make sure that your pup still wears a collar while you’re traveling and bring a few extras with you. You never know when your dog might get loose and run off somewhere. This is why it’s vital that they have a collar on so if this happens, then you’ll be able to find them again.

If you want to keep things simple, then try getting a water-proof dog collar. This is because they are easy to clean. 

Dog Bed

A dog bed is also another top thing to pack when you’re traveling with your dog. A lot of hotels these days don’t allow pups to stay in the room with their owners, so you’ll have to provide them with a separate space. A lot of hotels aren’t friendly with dogs on the bed, especially if there are guests that don’t like dogs present around them. You can get dog beds that are specially designed for traveling. 

Some of them come with a reflective shell that will let you easily spot your pup at night, which is great if you’re planning on taking them to the beach or anywhere else where it might be dark. 

Paw Protection

Your dog’s paws are very sensitive. You don’t want to expose them to any harsh surfaces because it can be damaging to their well-being. That’s why you’ll need an excellent pair of dog shoes. It doesn’t matter whether you’re going for a walk or you’re out on the road, having your dog wearing shoes will provide them with the protection they need.

Travelling with your dog can be a very fruitful and rewarding experience. Just make sure that you take the time to do your research and know which things you need to pack in order to make your trip as smooth as possible for both of you. So don’t forget about food, toys and other essentials for travelling with dogs.

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