Disclaimer: I was given the products in this post for the purpose of a review.
I was not paid in any way to write this review.
All opinions are my own.
For those of you who haven’t noticed, I’ve incorporated a Big Kids tab on my page. Know what that means? I’m also going to be using, well use isn’t actually the politically correct word, I’m going to be incorporating the help of my brothers with reviews that are relevant to the bigger kids but not quite for me as yet.
I have two brothers and you’ve met them before. Kyle is 12 and Mikael who is autistic is 8. They are both annoying brothers and I sometimes wish they were girls. Kristal my big sister is the best! She’s amazing!
Now on to my review, or should I say “On to my brother’s review!”. No I was right the first time. After all this is my blog!
The Learning Journey is an amazing website that caters to children of all ages with all educational products. They may look like toys but there are educational values to them. If you don’t know about the Learning Journey I would suggest giving them a look over. You’ll be able to find the perfect gift for any child there. The Learning Journey believes that Learning is Doing!.
They decided to send me, well not really me but my brothers the Techno Gears – Marble Mania Accelerator 2.0 and my 8 year old brother was so excited to start playing that he didn’t even give mommy a chance to take great pictures.
About the Accelerator 2.0:
Kids can use over 400 colorful pieces to create their own thrill ride with the Techno Gears Marble Mania Accelerator 2.0. The automatic marble launcher will propel marbles through the giant marble loop and into a series of twisting and turning roller coaster tracks accompanied by fun roller coaster sounds.
The set includes multiple channels, 3-D connectors and structures, dual spiral lifters, flashing lights and much more – everything necessary to build and ‘accelerate’ hundreds of marble run designs.
Requires three AA batteries (not included) and four button cell batteries (included).
Colors may vary.
Ages 8+ years
First I should say that this takes quite some time to set up. Be prepared to spend at least 3hrs getting it all put together. When they say it comes with 400 pieces they weren’t kidding. Since my big brother couldn’t wait daddy decided to do it on a really nasty Sunday afternoon when it was all raining outdoors. There was nothing to do so what’s the best thing to do when there’s nothing to do? Start setting it up!
I even tried helping but daddy said I was getting in the way. How could nice little me be in the way? I could pass the correct parts couldn’t I? Well actually I couldn’t I was more interested in running away with the pieces. Mikael was able to help out though and daddy said that he did a great job.
Since daddy took so long to get it set up together I fell asleep and didn’t get to see it until the very next day.
Now let me tell you all about how the Marble Mania Accelerator works. First we needed three AA batteries which is not included but mommy always keeps batteries on hand so we got lucky. Remember to have batteries on hand when getting it.
The Techno Gears – Marble Mania Accelerator is a roller coaster for marbles and yes the marbles are included. It helps with my brother’s Mathematics (reasoning and logic), Scientific (physical processes, experimental) and Thinking/Learning (cause – effect and problem solving) learning processes.
My brother really enjoyed seeing those marbles go. It lights up which got me going really close to see what was going on. There’s a little crank that you spin that takes the marbles up and once it does that they just keep going. It’s really lots of fun and I really enjoyed it but not as much as Mikael. He played for hours and didn’t want to share. He kept pushing me away.
Mommy tried doing a video but her video didn’t look as good as the one provided by Learning Journey so we decided to use theirs. This doesn’t happen too often. I like using my own pictures and video.
The Learning Journey gets me and my big brother Mikael Thumbs Up not only for being educational but also for being lots of fun!
You can connect with The Learning Journey via their Website, Facebook and Twitter pages.