It’s February, which means that you have a couple of holidays coming up. While a lot of people only consider Valentine’s Day and think of February as Black History Month, one of these holidays is actually President’s Day. This year, help your kids understand more about our government system by teaching them about President’s Day. Here are a few ways you can do that.

Why Do We Celebrate It?
Before you can teach your kids about President’s Day, you need to understand a little more about it yourself. This national holiday was established in 1885 to celebrate George Washington’s birthday. It is always celebrated on the third Monday of February. Even though it originally only celebrated our first president, later it became a day to celebrate all of the presidents, both past and present.
You can teach your kids about President’s Day by explaining to them why we celebrate it. You can explain that it is a day to remember all of the hard work and dedication that our presidents have put into making our country great. It is also a day to celebrate democracy and the rights that we have as citizens of the United States.
Who Was Our First President?
Another way to teach your kids about President’s Day is to focus on one of the presidents, specifically George Washington. You can teach your kids about his life and how he became our first president.
You can also use this as an opportunity to teach your kids about the different kinds of government that there are. Explain to them that before Washington was our first president, we were actually governed by the British. But after the Revolutionary War, we decided to become a democracy and have our own president.
How Was He Elected?
Teach your kids about the election process and how Washington was elected as our first president. You can explain to them how he was unanimously elected by the Electoral College. This is a great opportunity to introduce your kids to the concept of voting and why it is so important.
You can also use this as a chance to teach your kids about the different branches of government and how they work together. Explain to them that the president is the head of the executive branch, but he works closely with the legislative and judicial branches to make sure that our country runs smoothly.
What Are His Accomplishments?
Finally, you can teach your kids about some of Washington’s accomplishments while he was in office. You can explain to them how he was instrumental in getting the Constitution ratified and how he helped to establish many of the traditions that we still have today, such as Inauguration Day.
You can also tell them about some of his personal accomplishments, such as being a successful general during the Revolutionary War and being a skilled diplomat.
Teaching your kids about President’s Day is a great way to help them understand more about our government and the people who have led our country throughout its history. By using these tips, you can make sure that your kids are getting the most out of this holiday.
Now on to some fun ways you can help them celebrate Presidents’ Day.
Make a Collage
Because President’s Day is now celebrated to honor all presidents, both present and past, you can help teach your kids about this holiday using a collage. Print off pictures of all of our presidents and glue them onto a poster board. Your kids can also cut out pictures from magazines to show what each president is famous for. For example, your child might put an ax and a cherry tree next to George Washington, or maybe they’d put a picture of slaves or cotton next to Abraham Lincoln. Not only will this activity help your children see the faces of all of our presidents, but it will also help them learn more about their accomplishments.
Write a Letter
In addition to learning about the president’s past, you can help your children learn more about this holiday by teaching them about our current president. Sit your children down and write a letter together, addressing it to the current president of the White House. Your children will be able to express any questions they might have about the way our country’s government is set up.
Take a Field Trip
Most likely, your children won’t need to go to school on President’s Day. Take advantage of this day off and go on a field trip where your kids can learn more about our democratic government. This field trip could be to a local museum in order to learn more about historical events our presidents have been a part of. You could also decide to set up a trip to your state’s government building. If you have a much longer time off, you can even take them to Washington.
Teaching your kids about President’s Day is a great way to help them understand more about our government and the people who have led our country throughout its history. No matter how you decide to celebrate President’s Day with your kids, the most important thing is that you take the time to teach them about the holiday and what it represents.
Helping your children understand more about our government is a great way to ensure that they will grow up to be informed and engaged citizens. By using these tips, you can make sure that your kids are getting the most out of this holiday.