I know that it has been snowing in some parts of the country, and you may just be sick of it already. I know that we are where we live. However, if you are looking for the perfect holiday gift that is frugal, homemade, and downright charming, this snowman bath salt ornament is it. Using just a few supplies from your local dollar store, you can create a snowman bath salt ornament just like the one you see here. Take a peek below at how you can get started!

Supplies needed:
Clear ornament
White bath salts
Orange craft paper or craft foam
A pair of googly eyes
Black marker
Hot glue, glue gun
Scissors Ribbon

As mentioned, we found everything we used here at our local dollar store. It is the perfect place to find the supplies you need for this project for less.
1. Begin by creating the face on your snowman. Start by gluing on the pair of googly eyes. Just add a dab of glue and press it into place.
2. Snip a small triangle out of your orange craft foam or paper. Press it to the center of the ornament to make it look like a carrot nose.
3. Using your black marker, make dots on the bottom of the ornament for a mouth.
4. Now, fill the ornament with white bath salts. Fill all the way to the top, so the head now looks like snow.
5. Replace the lid of the ornament and add a length of ribbon for hanging. Just thread through and tie into a bow.
Your snowman bath salt ornament is now ready to be gifted or displayed. It makes a cute and practical ornament, and to use it, simply pop off the top and pour the contents into the bath. Recipients can even use the ornament after it is empty. Suggest that they fill it with a few dabs of white paint and shake or add white crafting pom-poms.
Gather your supplies and give this fun and frugal snowman bath salt ornament a try. It is a great way to gift for less this holiday season!