The 6 Signs Of Acid Reflux And What You Should Do About Them

Acid reflux, also known as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), is a chronic condition that affects the digestive system. It can cause pain in your stomach or chest, making it difficult to eat and sleep. Acid reflux is often caused by lifestyle factors such as diet, obesity, smoking, and lack of exercise. While there are many different treatments for acid reflux available on the market today, there are also some common remedies you can do at home! 

Here are six signs of acid reflux and what should be done about them.

Signs Of Acid Reflux

Burning Sensation In The Throat

If you experience an uncomfortable sensation in the throat, it may be a sign of acid reflux. One common symptom of acid reflux is that food or liquid feels like they are stuck behind your breastbone and cannot come up through your esophagus (food pipe). This can cause discomfort known as heartburn – which often occurs after eating.

To deal with this situation, try to eat smaller portions of meals and avoid fatty foods. Also, follow a routine of sleeping on your left side instead of right or lying flat during sleep. It would help if you also tried eating a teaspoon of baking soda mixed with water before bed.


Heartburn is another common sign of acid reflux. It occurs when stomach acids flow back into your esophagus, causing a burning sensation in the chest area. This happens mostly to overweight or pregnant people, but you can also get heartburn if you eat a large meal.

Heartburn causes discomfort in your chest area, often accompanied by a sour or bitter taste in the mouth. To deal with this LPR & GERD condition, avoid eating at least two hours before bed. You may also take antacids or drink chamomile tea which soothes the digestive system and reduces heartburn symptoms. If you experience heartburn regularly, it may be time to see your doctor about acid reflux.

Bad Breath Or Halitosis

Bad breath is caused by the release of stomach acids into your mouth. This can signify that you have acid reflux, especially if it gets worse after eating or drinking certain foods and beverages – including citrus fruits, coffee, alcohol, spicy food, or garlic. Sometimes you may not even be aware of having acid reflux, but you can still get bad breath from it!

The best way to deal with this sign is by drinking plenty of water and chewing on sugar-free gum. If the problem persists, try changing your diet and avoid foods that cause heartburn or other symptoms associated with GERD. Your doctor may also prescribe an over-the-counter treatment to help reduce acid reflux. Also, try to eat at least three hours before going to bed.


Nausea is a common symptom of acid reflux, especially when it occurs halfway through the night. This can make it difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep throughout the night – resulting in fatigue during your waking hours.

If you experience recurring episodes of nausea, try changing what you eat at least five hours before going to bed or switching up your routine. If you eat shortly before bedtime, it can cause your stomach contents to flow back into your esophagus (food pipe) when lying down – resulting in nausea and related symptoms of acid reflux.


So many things can ignite vomiting, but it may be a result of acid reflux. If you have frequent vomiting episodes, they can weaken your esophageal sphincter muscle and irritate the lining in your digestive system – increasing symptoms associated with GERD.

You should try to avoid ingesting spicy or fatty foods before going to bed and eating heavy meals. If vomiting occurs frequently, it is time to see your doctor for a complete diagnosis of acid reflux and related health conditions.

Low-grade Fever

If you experience a low-grade fever, it may be an indication of acid reflux. This happens when stomach acids irritate your esophagus and cause the lining to swell – resulting in some discomfort and showing up on temperature readings. A more accurate way to measure body temperature is by using a thermometer under the arm (axillary).

If you have a low-grade fever, try to avoid eating at least two hours before going to bed. You may also try taking antacids or drinking chamomile tea – both of which calm the digestive system and reduce acid reflux symptoms (including any associated fever). If your doctor prescribes antibiotics for another condition, be sure to take them as prescribed.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it’s important to see your doctor as soon as possible. When acid reflux is not treated promptly, the esophagus can become severely damaged and lead to other serious health problems. The good news is that many people with acid reflux experience relief after they have seen their physician for treatment options. If you know someone who seems like they might be suffering from this condition or one of its signs, please share this article with them so we can all work together to reduce the number of cases and improve each person’s quality of life!

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