Working Towards A Big Goal: Investing Money The Right Way

The world of investing is often seen as complicated, and the feeling of being overwhelmed is all too common for those who are just getting started with investing their money. On the other hand, there are some easy guidelines that…

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Ways to Celebrate Christmas Without Spending Money

A roof over our heads. Having friends and family in our lives and a loving dog (or three!) that’s waiting to cuddle with you on the couch. There are more than enough reasons to celebrate this year.  But when you…

How to Save Money Buying Gifts this Year

Wood crackling in the fireplace, a warm cup of eggnog, and perfectly wrapped presents under the Christmas can put anyone in the holiday spirit.  But if you find yourself a bit strapped for cash this season, don’t stress about it.…

6 Things You Need To Do If An Unlicensed Moneylender Is Harassing You

There are situations when you might be in a tight spot and will need to borrow money from someone, but the problem is that it can sometimes lead to borrowing money from loan sharks. This can be pretty risky because…

Ways Kids Can Earn Money for Christmas

Having kids earn their own money is a great way to start teaching them about money and finances. Typically, it is around the age of 6 or 7 that we introduce the concept of earning money to them. We teach…

Earn Money from Traveling: How to Make a Successful Travel Blog

Getting paid for traveling is one of the popular dream jobs to have. The good news is that the dream job is feasible, though it requires hard work and dedication.  Travel blogging lets you travel and earn money. Start small…

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