Have a Ho-Ho-Ho Happy Holiday at Gymboree

I’m not going to say it again because you already know that I just truly love Gymboree. OK I just had to say it again. Can you really blame me? When Gymboree introduced their new theme “The Best Time to…

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SoCozy Haircare Products for Kids

It’s been a while since I addressed my haircare on Growing Up Madison. I think I may have the craziest hair type ever on earth. One time it’s all nice and great, the next it’s frizzy and all over the…

Encouraging Your Kids to be Thankful

Have you ever been around someone who seems ungrateful for everything? Unfortunately, there are many people, both adults and children, who simply aren’t thankful for what they have or receive. As parents, our job includes instilling in our children values…

Getting Your Kids to Help with Your Yard This Fall

Fall is almost here, actually it’s only three days away, and you know what that means. It means tons of leaves all over your yard! Although fall trees are definitely a beautiful sight to behold with their changing colors, having…

5 Ways to Celebrate Labor Day

Labor Day is almost here, which means summer is winding down. Don’t let summer end on a boring note, though. Celebrate Labor Day and have a blast doing it. Even if you don’t have a lot of money to celebrate,…

Tips To Survive Back to School Shopping

Back to school, words us moms like to celebrate after a long summer. After spending months with the kids we long for the day they return to school. While we all like spending time with our kids we do need…

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