What to Pack for Your First Disney Vacation… and every Disney vacation after.

Walt Disney World – touted as the most magical place on earth, but what do you pack for your very first Disney vacation?  Over 10 years ago we had our very first Walt Disney Vacation. I was in a stable…

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Easy Ways to Stay Active in the Winter

Yesterday I woke up to an alert from my kids’ school, around 4:30am, letting me know that school was canceled for the day due to inclement weather. I live in Colorado where the weather can change as quickly as you…

How to Get the Best Deal on a Rental Car

Do you need a car for your next vacation? Today we share how you can get the best deal on a rental car. There’s a reason I love road trips. Not only are they economical since I have a big…

Ways to Get the Best Deal on a Hotel Room

Are you planning a vacation and have no idea where to start? How about with a hotel room, we share with you ways you can get the best deal on a hotel room. Often people say they can’t afford to…

Financial Resolutions for 2017

Here we are again, looking at the start of a new year! There is always an exciting feeling in the air around this time. Although people often set unrealistic expectations for themselves, and many resolutions go unrealized, the sheer possibility…

How to Budget During the Holidays

There are many ways to learn how to budget during the holidays. Let’s start by stating that the most money wasted during the holiday season is on gifts, wrapping supplies and quite possibly food for entertaining family. With that being…

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