DIY Geometric Canvas Art: Paint Between the Lines ~ #FrogTape #2017DesignTrends

Ever wondered how painters got those straight lines? Wonder no more, because we’re going to show you how you can too, with FrogTape, as well as spruce up a wall in your home with your very own custom designed geometric…

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Decorating Your Home Office

Working from home sounds like the dream. It comes with it’s own set of problems and difficulties, but it seems that almost everyone aspires to someday work their dream job from home. There are a myriad of reasons for this,…

Why You Need a Smart Home ~ #LetsGetLiving

Looking to make your home a little bit smarter? Think Hive Smart Home Ecosystem! Two summers ago we were visiting with my brother, who is a master when it comes to all things electronics, in sunny Orlando at his condo.…

5 Reasons to Take Kids to the State Fair

Need a reason to take your kids to the fair? Today we share 5! It’s officially the first day of summer, and with summer comes state fairs and carnivals. The State Fair is a great place to spend a summer…

Bacon Cheese Wrapped Franks

Throw one of the greatest block parties of the year and enjoy these Bacon Cheese Wrapped Franks made with Bar-S franks. Living in New York City, there are a few things you look forward to during the summer. One of…

Ways to Celebrate Father’s Day

Father’s Day is just around the corner, and what better way to celebrate Dad than with a Teleflora bouquet that doubles as a collectible for him to keep forever to remember your love and appreciation? I’m pretty sure that the…

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