Miss Dior Absolutely Blooming

February’s Fragrance of the Month is Miss Dior Absolutely Blooming. Let me begin by saying that there are NO affiliate links in my post so you can click without hesitation. I am NOT making any money here. Also, I linked…

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4 Ways to Winterize Your Vehicle With TECHNET ~ #TECHNETPros #TECHNETWorks #ServiceAndRepair #ServiceLocal

The holidays are over and the kids are back in school, however old man winter is here and he’s here to stay with some states experiencing snowstorms and blizzards. I personally hate driving in wintery conditions, the roads can be…

How Often Does My Child Need to Go to the Dentist?

As parents, we go to great lengths to protect our children, and safeguarding their teeth should be no different. Because of the sensitivity and thinness of baby enamel, tooth decay can spread quicker than you realize. It is best to…

5 Healthy Habits to Adopt This Year ~ #GiftOfTreeHut

It’s 2018 and I’m another year older, but am I truly another year wiser? I don’t really think so! Sure I’ve learned a few things along the way, but I’m human and I make mistakes. That’s one of the reasons…

Master Bedroom Makeover with O’verlays®

We all know that adage, “New Year, New Me,” or the other, “Out with the old, in with the new.” However, for the new year, I decided to go with “new year, new bedroom.” My master bedroom is “nice,” but…

My Top 5 Budget Fragrances Found at Discount Stores for 2018

I have a slight major addiction to perfumes or anything that smells incredible, including candles. FYI, if you’re looking for candles with staying power, might I suggest Nest candles? I can’t begin to count how many perfumes and candles I…

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