School Bus Safety Tips ~ #PERCBusSafetyTips

Schools are officially back in session and for most kids, it may be the first time that they’ll be attending school. Whether you have a child taking the school bus for the very first time, or even if they’ve been taking the bus for years, I’m here to share some school bus safety tips with you.

This post is sponsored by on behalf of the Propane Education & Research Council.

While I want to talk to you about school bus safety tips that you should go over with your children, I’m also imploring you to ask your school districts if they are doing all they can to keep your children safe while transporting them to and from school each day.

School buses have been transporting our kids for many years, but unlike older diesel buses, propane school buses are a lot quieter AND cleaner, which makes the ride to school safe for your kids. How much safer you ask?

Here are a few things to note:

There are standard safety features that are designed into propane autogas vehicle fuel systems that can provide added peace of mind for everyone involved. Both parents and students, such as an automatic shut-off valve which prevents the flow of fuel to the engine when it’s not running, even when the ignition is in the “on” position. They’re also crashed tested for side and rear impact, meeting rigorous U.S. FMVSS and motor vehicle safety standards.

But what about how much cleaner they are as well? 

Well, The World Health Organization and the Environmental Protection Agency have identified diesel engine exhaust as a carcinogen, which can cause short and long-term health effects. I know we’re all worried about cancer, it has taken quite a few family members and friends from everyone around the world. Protecting our young ones from that black cloud of diesel exhaust should be enough to say “let’s switch to propane”.

And if your school district needs even more encouragement to make the switch, how about letting them know that propane cost even less per gallon than diesel. Saving money on fuel costs will allow them to have more of a district budget that can be put back into the classrooms where it matters the most. Something I’m sure that all parents would appreciate, and so will they.

Now without further ado, in collaboration with The Propane Education & Research Council, we have a few School Bus Safety Tips that they would like to share with you.


  • Ensure that there are no loose drawstrings, chains or other dangling objects on your children’s clothing, coats or bags. If there are any, remove them to prevent accidents. 
  • When it’s time to make their way to the bus stop, encourage them to leave early so that they are on time, at least five minutes before the bus is due. Running after or in front of a bus is dangerous.


  • If your child is too young to walk alone, walk with your child to the bus stop, or have him/her walk with a group of other kids that are also on their way to the bus stop. Remember, there is safety in numbers, and groups are easier for the bus driver to see, than a child walking alone. 
  • Teach your child good pedestrian behavior. Let them know that they should walk on the sidewalk always, and if there is no sidewalk, to stay out of the street. 


  • Always wait in the designated bus stop location where the driver can see you as they drive down the street. Never ever wait in a house or a car. 
  • Leave the toys at home, and avoid playing with balls or other toys that can roll into the street which can cause an accident and is also dangerous. 


  • Let your child know that if they drop something while getting on or off the bus that they should alert the driver and follow their instruction instead of trying to retrieve it themselves. 
  • Also, remind them that they should wait until the bus comes to a complete stop before stepping off the bus and always hold on to the handrails when getting on. 
  • If you’re meeting your child at the bus stop after school, wait on the side where they’ll exit instead of across the street. Your child may be so excited to see you that they might run across the street without looking both ways.  

Although drivers are required to stop when a school bus is stopped to load and unload students, they don’t always do so, so teaching your children the proper way to get on and off the bus can prevent accidents. For more information and to learn more about school bus safety, visit

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