Safety Tips for a Safe Halloween: Almost Wordless Wednesday

With Halloween just a day away mommy and I want to share a few Halloween Safety Tips.  I also get to show off my costumes that I wore last year when I celebrated my very first Halloween. Halloween is all about candy, the day that my siblings get to eat all the candy they want, well the good candy that is. I don’t get to eat candy too often so I’m really looking forward to this day as well.

Last year mommy couldn’t decide on what I was going to be so I ended up with two costumes. I was a Fairy and I was also a Pumpkin. When I think of Halloween I think of scary costumes which both my brothers decided to wear. And while they thought they were scary I didn’t.

Now mommy and I plan on giving you some tips for having a very safe Halloween.

  • When choosing a costume choose one that is preferably light colored. As you can see mommy didn’t do that last year. If you don’t, then add a glow stick that they can wear around their neck, reflective or glow in the dark tape that is attached to their clothing so they can be seen. 
  • Make sure that your child can see clearly through their masks. Masks can make it difficult to breathe so sometimes its best not to wear them at all. My brothers took theirs off because they said it was difficult seeing. Instead use face paint which can be just as cool.
  • Wear comfortable flat shoes. You are going to be walking for quite a while collecting candy, you want to be comfortable. 
  • Make sure your child has your phone number. If possible attach it to their clothing or on their body. We recently reviewed a product called Safety Tat which is perfect for this occasion. If they have a cell phone make sure they carry it with them as well. 
  • Although it is recommended that you go along with your child/children while they trick or treat sometimes it’s not possible. If your child/children are going trick or treating with a group of friends make sure you know the route they will be taking and what time they will be back home. Let them know that they need to stay together as a group. 
  • Never go to houses that do not have a light on and walk on lit streets. Always cross at corners or crosswalks and never walk between parked cars. Never ever go in the dark. 
  • Flashlights are great to walk around with but so are glow sticks which kids love to have around Halloween. Let them take a few along with them. Not only will it keep them visible but they’ll have fun with them as well. 
  • Check the candy once your child returns home with their treats. Make sure that they are sealed and haven’t been tampered with. If you’re trick or treating in your own neighborhood only collect candy from those you know. Throw away any suspicious candy. 
  • It’s best to have your child eat before leaving the house, that way they won’t eat half of their candy stash before making it back home. Remember to eat candy in moderation even if it’s the season for it. Hide some of it if possible. 

With some of our Halloween tips you and your little and big ones can have a safe and happy Halloween. If we’re missing anything please feel free to leave it in your comments. HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

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