Today, Mommy is taking over my blog because she has something very important that she wants to share with you. She thinks that I don’t know enough about it, and since she’s the mommy, she’s the “better” person to talk to you, my readers. I thought I was doing a great job before but this means a lot to her so I’m going to hand her over to you.

Madison’s Mommy here, as I’m called. Today I want to talk about and raise awareness for RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) and World Prematurity Day. This topic is dear to my heart as my oldest son, Kyle, although not born prematurely according to pediatric standards, was hospitalized with RSV.
Kyle was born at 37 weeks and spent the next two weeks in the hospital while I went home. It was the most nerve-wracking experience in my life to date because I had no idea at the time whether he would have survived or not. One moment he was the joy of my life, the beautiful baby, my firstborn son, and the next minute he was having difficulty breathing. Luckily we were in the hospital so he got the care that he needed right away. Placed in a “bubble” and quarantined so that he couldn’t infect the other babies, I was able to visit and show him that I still loved him and couldn’t wait until he was released back into my care which happened almost 2 weeks later.
So what exactly is RSV?
RSV is a contagious viral disease that is more common than you may have realized. While premature babies born before 37 weeks are more at risk, it affects nearly 100% of babies by the age of 2 years. It spreads very rapidly among children and while most recover in 1 to 2 weeks like my Kyle did, even after they recover they can continue to spread the virus for 1 to 3 weeks. It’s also a lot more common during the flu season, November – March but can vary year to year.
So what exactly should you look out for?
If your little one has a persistent cough, is having difficulty breathing, and has a temperature to go along with those symptoms, call 911 immediately. It’s a good idea to check with your pediatrician or even take a trip to the emergency room if you’re not sure. The sooner you find out that it’s nothing to worry about, the better you’ll feel. And if it does turn out to be RSV, it’s best to have treatment as soon as possible.
So you’re wondering: How you can protect your little one?
Well, as I mentioned before, It’s very contagious and can be contracted through touching, coughing, sneezing, etc. Make sure anyone touching your children washes their hands before doing so. Also, keep hand sanitizer on hand for those times when there isn’t soap and water around. Also, keep anyone who has recently been sick away from your little one.
World Prematurity Day is November 17th, and I’ve had friends who have had babies born prematurely before 37 weeks. These babies are the ones that are more likely to contract RSV because of their not quite developed systems, unlike their full-term counterparts.
Let’s raise awareness for RSV and World Prematurity Day. Share these tips with your friends and family, especially those with newborns, and keep RSV down. Download the infographic to learn about the symptoms of RSV, what you should look out for, and tips on how to prevent it. Share it with family and friends, and let’s keep our little ones safe and healthy this winter.
To find out more about RSV, visit