Roof Maintenance Tips for New Homeowners

Routine home maintenance is the best way for homeowners to avoid unexpected expenses from home repairs. It helps to prevent major problems as you can fix smaller problems before they develop into large and expensive problems to fix. However, most homeowners pay less attention to the roof during maintenance.

Roof Maintenance

The roof is one of the most important components of every house. Without it, you have no home. So, it is critical to give it the attention it deserves. As a Florida real estate expert puts it, “you shouldn’t wait until your roof leaks profusely before you call The Roof Guys Florida to have it repaired or replaced.” “They can also help with roof inspections and advise you accordingly,” he added.

Roof inspections should always be on your maintenance checklist, even if it is a DIY home maintenance project. For new homeowners, here are some effective roof maintenance tips for a long-lasting roofing system. 

Regular inspection of roofing material 

Your roof needs regular inspections no matter the roofing material used, shingles, roof tiles, clay tiles, slate tiles, etc. The roof is exposed to all weather conditions; hot, humid, and cold, and each season comes with its own problems. A hurricane or snowstorm can cause major damage or potential leaks to your roof.

It is therefore critical for homeowners to have a thorough roof inspection after each season. You need to check if the rough season didn’t cause a major blow to the roof. Check out for potential roof leaks caused by damages or missing sheets, especially when entering the rainy season. Check for broken caulks and ensure that vent pipes are intact. If you witness any damages, call the roof guys in Florida for your roof’s replacement or repairs. 

Look out for Moss and Algae 

As you inspect the roof, look out for the growth of organisms like algae, moss, and lichen. Areas engulfed by any of these organisms are potential candidates for roof leaks. They can gradually decay the roof material, especially metal roofs, causing damage. You need to remove, clean, and stop these growths if possible. In an extreme case, have it done by a professional roofer. He/she will apply products that can prevent or curtail such growth. 

Prune tree branches near the roof

It is advisable to prune large tree branches close to your roof. This is because, in the event of a strong storm, the branches can break and fall straight on the roof. The impact from this can cause roof damage. In addition, accumulated debris from the tree can potentially cause blocks in the gutters, which pruning can prevent. If you already have such a situation, involve a professional in the pruning, to avoid self-inflicted roof damage. 

Remove snow

Don’t let the whiteness and beauty of snow entice you into leaving snow buildups on your roof. Heavy amounts of snow on your roof can cause roof leaks and even a possible roof collapse. As a new homeowner, try to bring down as much snow as possible from the roof after heavy snowfalls. You can do this yourself with a long snow rake. Involve a professional when the situation is beyond your capability. 

Clean the roof gutters 

The roof gutters are the channel through which water and debris are moved away from the roof.  If accumulated debris blocks the way, the free flow of rainwater will become difficult. Free the gutters with frequent cleaning. Remove all debris, including leaves and sticks, blocking the way. If possible, flush water through gutters to ensure all possible blockages are removed.

Replace broken caulk 

If you witnessed broken caulks during your roof inspection, fix them as soon as possible. The caulking seals all joints and jabs on the roof to prevent water from leaking into the house. If broken, it loosens that part of the roof, which can cause leakages. To replace broken caulks, remove them and replace them with new sealant. 

Call in an expert

It is good to do some things on your own. At least it helps you save money. However, with the complexity of the roofing system, it is advisable to hire an expert for your roof maintenance projects. Aside from the normal snow and debris removal, any repair or replacement work must be done by an expert. This prevents you from worsening the situation or getting injured through the process. A worsened situation would be expensive to fix.

In Conclusion 

The roof is an important component of a home and is very expensive to replace. As a new homeowner, you should employ a routine maintenance culture to avoid expensive repair and replacement. With regular inspections, care, and cleaning, you can give your roof a longer life span.

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