Legal Guide: 6 Road Laws You Should Be Aware Of

Make sure you’re up to speed on the latest road laws before you hit the open highway. From licensing requirements to cell phone use, we’ve got you covered.

Car on Road - Road Laws

Road laws can be confusing, overwhelming, and difficult to navigate. Whether you’re a new driver or have been driving for many years, understanding the ins and outs of these laws is essential for staying safe on the roads. This guide will explain six key road laws that all drivers should be aware of, so you can ensure your safety and the safety of other drivers and comply with legal requirements. It will also cover the penalties associated with not complying with these laws. So let’s get started!

1. Speed Limits

Every state has various speed limits depending on the type of road you’re driving on. While many people choose to ignore these limits, they are in place for a good reason and should be followed as closely as possible to ensure your safety and the safety of other drivers on the road. If you are caught going over the speed limit, you may have to pay a fine and get points on your license. Additionally, if bicyclists are present, you should reduce your speed accordingly.

According to a bicycle accident lawyer NYC, cyclists are particularly vulnerable on the roads and must be given extra caution. This means obeying the speed limit and any other road rules that make this possible. Furthermore, you may also be charged with reckless or dangerous driving if you are found to have been speeding excessively.

2. Registration and Licensing Requirements 

In order to be eligible to drive in the US, you must hold a valid and up-to-date driver’s license. Additionally, all cars must be registered with the DMV. This requirement helps track who is driving what car and makes it easier for law enforcement to identify vehicles in the case of an accident or traffic violation. It also makes sure that all drivers know what their insurance obligations are and what else they have to do as drivers. 

3. DUI Laws

Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol is illegal in all states. DUI laws can be different from state to state, but as a general rule, if your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is 0.08% or higher, you are driving under the influence and will face serious legal consequences. These usually involve a hefty fine and a suspension of your license for some period of time, depending on the severity of your violation. 

4.  Mobile Phone Use

Using a mobile phone while driving is illegal in most states and carries heavy fines if you’re caught doing so. It also increases your risk of an accident as it takes your attention off the road. The only time you should use your mobile phone while driving is in an emergency situation, such as when you need to call 911 or are checking directions on a navigation app. All other situations should be avoided while driving.

5. Child Passenger Laws 

If you’re transporting children in your car, it’s important to be aware of the child passenger laws in your state. These are put in place to ensure that all children are safely restrained while they’re in a moving vehicle. Generally, this will involve using an appropriate car seat or booster seat depending on the age and weight of the child. For instance, most states require that children under 8 years old be securely fastened in a car seat or booster seat. If you’re caught failing to comply with these laws, you can face a hefty fine. 

6. Right of Way Laws 

Lastly, you should be aware of the right-of-way laws in your state. These laws say which vehicle can go through an intersection first. This can depend on a number of things, like the color of the traffic light or who got to the intersection first. Generally, drivers must yield to other vehicles, cyclists, and pedestrians. Not following these laws can result in a fine, demerit points, or even an accident if someone has to quickly swerve out of the way to avoid a collision.

For example, in California, it is illegal to fail to yield to pedestrians in a crosswalk. Or, in New York, it is illegal to overtake a vehicle on the right when its signal indicates that they are about to turn. So, being aware of these laws can help you stay safe on the roads. 

In Conclusion

By familiarizing yourself with the above road laws and abiding by them whenever you drive, you can help ensure your safety on the roads as well as that of other drivers and pedestrians. Failure to do so can result in serious penalties, so it’s important to brush up on your state’s laws before getting behind the wheel.

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