Review: Think Halloween Safety with SafetyTat

Disclaimer:  I was given the products in this post for the purpose of a review. 

I was not paid in any way to write this review.

All opinions are my own.

With Halloween just around the corner there are lots to think about besides candy. Although mommy and I have a post already scheduled and ready for you with tips for Halloween Safety, there is just one more thing that we want to tell you about. A company that you may want to think about for the Halloween Season.

Now this company is not just for Halloween, its perfect for the times when you’re out and about with your children, even that trip to the park. Kids can disappear in a heartbeat before you even realize it. We’re here one moment and the next moment we’re gone. We’re little magicians. Now it’s great to have your child memorize your house or cell phone number but when a child is scared they sometimes forget even their own names. That’s where SafetyTat comes in.

SafetyTat decided to send mommy and me a pack of their Quick Stick Write-On! My brother Mikael is the model for this product. He is 8 and autistic with a severe speech disability so it is difficult understanding him at times. It is even more difficult understanding him when he is excited or scared.

SafetyTat are very simple to use and comes with included instruction and everything that you need. Even the tattoo marking pen is included so no need to go hunting for a permanent marker. Once the SafetyTat is applied to your child’s skin and you write your mobile number on the tat, it is on there until you decide to take it off. Safety Tate is made from a micro-thin elastomer with medical grade adhesive that is hypoallergenic and skin safe.

Mikael is much darker than am I in complexion which is why mommy and I decided he would be the best fit for this review. Mommy wanted to see if it really would work on someone as dark as Mikael. SafetyTat claims that since the tattoo is opaque and highly vibrant that it works on ALL skin shades equally well. It was time to put it to the test. Here is Mikael 3 days after having his SafetyTat placed on his arm.

As you can see it really is vibrant and you can make out everything that is written on there. We did notice that it did have a few wrinkles in it from him taking his showers and playing but it is still on. The phone number is also still very legible as well. So far everything that they’ve mentioned turned out to be true. It is waterproof and does last for some time. Now Mikael has a way of getting help if he ever becomes lost which I hope will never ever happen. It is great knowing that if it did happen that with mommy’s mobile number on his arm someone will find him and call us alerting us to his whereabouts.

Now here’s the great thing about SafetyTat, they are also available in Allergy/Medical Alerts  as well as tats for our senior citizens. You can’t forget them now can you? SafetyTat is not only great for us little ones but for the older folks as well.

About SafetyTat:

“The idea for SafetyTat temporary child ID tattoos was born of necessity one weekend at an amusement park. On Labor Day Weekend, Baltimore Mom, Michele Welsh and her husband, there with their three small children, felt out-numbered. To stave her panic, she quickly wrote her mobile phone number on each of their arms with a ballpoint pen. As she did this, she thoughtfully explained to each of them the importance of staying close to Mommy and Daddy. She also told them that if they were separated that the number on their arm was a way to reconnect with them. 

Throughout the day of fun, Michele had to rewrite the number several times as it smeared or washed off. Several parents in the park stopped her to ask if that was her number on the kids’ arms. Each time, they loved the idea. 

The day was a success and the idea for SafetyTat temporary child id tattoos was born.”

You can connect with SafetyTat via their website as well as their social pages:



Disclosure: Growing Up Madison receives products in order to conduct reviews. No monetary compensation was provided unless noted otherwise. All opinions are 100% my own. Some posts may contain affiliate links that I receive commission for payment from in exchange for referrals. In the event of a giveaway, the sponsor is responsible for delivery of the prize, unless otherwise noted in the posting. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I personally believe will be a good fit for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

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