Mommy has been under the impression that I needed a new doll since the ones I currently walk around with have definitely seen some good times. I got them last Christmas so mommy decided that it was time to start looking for a new one for this Christmas. While doing her regular research mommy happened upon this company that had the most beautiful dolls. The dolls were from different countries and had such a beautiful story behind them that mommy decided to contact the company to see if I could get one. They agreed and now I get to introduce to you Hearts for Hearts Girls from Playmates Toys.
Every Hearts For Hearts Girls® doll is inspired by real girls from real places around the world. Each doll has her own story to tell, with ideas about how to make life better for her family, community, country, and the world around her. When you buy a doll, a dollar of the purchase price is donated to programs that support children in that doll’s region.
Whether it’s malaria nets in Ethiopia, warm blankets in Appalachia, or ducks in India, Hearts For Hearts Girls’ mission is to help girls thrive—and to empower all girls everywhere to “change the world one heart at a time!”.
$27.99 – Recommended for ages 6+

Mommy and I were lucky enough to receive Mosi – Native American to review. This is the first review where mommy decided that a review product was too beautiful for me to play with. Mommy said Mosi was a collectible and belonged to her. Really?! What exactly is a collectible? I thought all items sent to Growing Up Madison were for Madison to play with. Apparently, mommy thinks Mosi is too good for me and she might be right.
Mosi is a 10-year-old native American girl living with her family on a sheep ranch just outside of Santa Fe, New Mexico. Her mother is a potter who wants to keep alive the art of their culture. Her father runs the ranch, taking care of their sheep and llamas.
In the summer, Mosi visits her grandmother, who lives on the reservation. She listens as her grandmother tells old stories abut their people, and learns how to spin yarn from sheep’s wool. Sometimes they go to a pow-wow and watch the dancers in their beautiful costumes. When asked why she doesn’t leave the reservation for Santa Fe, Grandmother says, “My heart cannot walk two paths.” Mosi wonders if she can be a girl that does.
Now besides being beautiful mommy likes that with each purchase a portion of the funds from each doll helps out the country the doll is from. There are dolls from all over the world and there is nothing like helping another country in need. Think of it as your good deed for the year. Mosi’s donation goes to benefit North American Native Americans.
Now, these dolls are full of character and detail and come with their own little storybook. The book is full of details of their life and history. My Mosi came along with her own little comb as well. There was even a Hearts for Hearts Girls bracelet that I can wear (if mommy lets me) showing my support.
The recommended age for these dolls is 6+ so they are not soft. If I hit myself with her I would surely feel it. Now on to her details. A lot of thought went into her details from her beautiful brown eyes to her shiny black hair. Her eyes are painted so they do not close so if you’re wanting a doll whose eyes can close you will be disappointed. Don’t let that deter you from getting her though, she’s beautiful with her eyes open as you can see. The feather in her hair is plastic unfortunately, mommy and I was hoping for a real feather. Even her accessories were well done.
From her earrings, her bracelet, and even her little boots we loved. Her clothing is Native American inspired with her print dress and leggings. Her silver eagle earrings were just adorable and so was her silver heart bangle. I can just imagine Mosi running around her little village playing with the other children.
Mommy and I LOVE our Hearts for Hearts Girls doll and we hope that you would pick one up for your little one or even yourself this Holiday season. Show your support and get one today. Hearts for Hearts Girls definitely gets my Two Tiny Thumbs Up and Mommy’s Big Thumbs Up as well!
Hearts for Hearts Girls are available at ToysRUs, Target, Amazon, Meijer, Walmart, and Barnes & Noble. You can also buy your own Hearts for Hearts Girls on the Playmates Toys website and connect with them via their social media pages: