5 Reasons to Travel With Kids

Most adults prefer traveling alone or with other adults. They’d prefer to keep the kids at home because they think it’s a hassle to take them out and about. Traveling with children, on the other hand, does not have to be a chore or something you dread. If you’re dreading taking your kids on a road trip or flying to a new location, I’m here to share five compelling reasons why traveling with kids is actually a good idea.

I’ve mentioned before in the past that Madison has been flying since the tender age of two months, and now at age 6, she has become a traveling pro and is a joy to have along. While there are times that I fly solo, for example for business purposes, personally, my preference is to have her go with me as much as possible. Not only is her company enjoyable, but it’s my goal to have her see as much of the world as possible.

So what are my reasons for loving to travel with kids? Here are my top five!

1. The Memories

While I could have saved this for last, this is by far one of the best reasons to travel with your kids. The memories that you create will last a lifetime. I’ve had people ask, “Why do you travel with Madison at such a young age?” “Aren’t you afraid she won’t remember anything?” I’m not worried about whether she remembers the places she’s visited, it’s all about the memories that we create together that make it all worthwhile.

2. You’re Never Alone

There’s nothing like having a buddy with you when you travel. When you have your child with you, you have your very own best friend that will be with you at all times. No need to worry about ever feeling lonely since your buddy is there with you. Sure, your little one may need a few more breaks than usual, but you’re going to have a blast together.

3. You Can Make New Friends

One of the things I’ve noticed about kids is how easy it is for them to make new friends, whether it’s on the playground or at the supermarket. They are constantly inquisitive, asking questions, and willing to share information about themselves. I’ve actually made new “acquaintances” by Madison just reaching out to others, although you do have to be careful, especially when in a strange land.

4. See The World Through Their Eyes

Grownups and kids see the world differently. We have become so jaded with life that we very rarely see the beauty in the world. Watching a child’s eyes light up upon seeing her very first skyscraper, or riding for the first time in a taxi, or even taking the subway. Traveling with kids allows you to see the world in a whole new light.

5. Channel Your Inner Child

As mentioned previously, adults have become jaded in the way we view the world, but traveling with your child can actually encourage you to channel your inner child. You’ll visit places that you may probably never visit as an adult and in turn, have the most fun that you’ve had in quite some time. For example, most adults would bypass visiting a theme park unless they were traveling with a child, but theme parks can be fun even for adults, so act like a child and enjoy yourself.

Hopefully, my reasons are enough for you to get your passports, and the kids and travel the world. Remember “Travel is the only thing that you buy that can make you rich.” See the world through their eyes and create those everlasting memories.

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