Learn Which Toys Are Still Popular Among Small Children In 2021

When there is a mention of children playing, it can seem like something that we no longer see as often. The surge in technological devices and online entertainment has reduced the amount of toys children play with and it also seems to have reduced the amount of time children stay young, however toys remain an important part of every child’s life. 

There is a great evolution from a few decades ago in terms of what children use to play. Technology has changed and you may see many toys in the market that were not used when you were younger. However, there are some classics that keep being used by children. This article will advise you of which toys are still popular among small children in 2021, in case you have a birthday coming up or simply want to treat the little ones in your life. 

Popular Toys


One of the most popular and classic toys out there is the Barbie. We are all familiar with this toy, as it has brought joy to many generations. Barbie is an amazing toy for girls as well as boys and can teach children that they can do and be anything. Playing with such toys may increase children’s level of creativity and social skills, particularly if children play among themselves. Barbie has evolved significantly since the first days it came out, and there are now a range of different colors, shapes, and styles to choose from. 

Doll Houses

Most children enjoy playing with miniature figures. Although being a grownup is not that much fun, playing it certainly can be!  Many of us have owned a wooden doll house and we know how entertaining it is. Playing with such toys offers young kids numerous benefits including the development of fine-motor skills, perception of classification and materials as well as the development of social skills and emotional intelligence. 

Cuddly Toys

Cuddly toys are one of children’s favorites and it has more benefits than you may realize. Many children, especially the ones with no siblings, may adopt cuddly toys as their ‘friend’. They may start to develop their communication skills quicker as they interact with their toys. In addition to this, cuddly toys are often a great source of comfort to children and can soothe them at home or even when you travel

Fidget Toys 

Fidget toys have been around for some time. Although their target audience has been mostly children with learning difficulties, disabilities and attention deficits, these have become more popular among young children and remain popular in 2021. There is a wide diversity of fidget toys available, and children can choose which one they prefer. Research studies suggest that playing with fidget toys can support children to stay more focused in class and it can also reduce anxiety. This is a great aid if your child suffers with any of these issues or if not, it is still great fun to play with. 


Slime is widely used among children and it has become increasingly popular in recent years. Although playing with it can be messy, there are numerous benefits to playing with this. It is important for children of all ages to have all sensories stimulated and interacting with slime can help promote better motor skills. Studies have also suggested that slime promotes mindfulness in children, helps them focus and relax and encourages independent playtime.  You do not have to buy slime, and if you want to come up with an activity to enjoy with your children you can make it together as this would be a great way to spend time as a family. 


This is most parent’s nightmare due to the mess that it can quickly make. Play-doh is a very traditional toy that remains one of most children’s favorites to this day. The majority of individuals at some point during their childhood will have played with play-doh and loved it. Toys and playtime can do more than offer entertainment, they can be fun ways of learning and development. Allowing your child to play with play-doh will allow them to use their cognitive mechanisms to make something out of clay and use this as a way to express their ideas. 


Putting puzzles together is something that many people enjoy doing. Not only children but also adults. However, it may be a good idea to get your child started when they are old enough. There are many puzzles out there and there is something appropriate for each age group. Evidently, you should not expect a small child to complete a puzzle of one hundred pieces. Playing with puzzles offers children many benefits, including the development of motor skills via the coordination of small muscles, wanting to complete a task as well as patience. Young children can quickly become irritated and lose their temper over small issues – however, research studies suggest this is likely to happen for children who play with puzzles and other similar toys. 

Baby Dolls

Baby dolls are another classic that has been around for many years and continues to be as popular as the first time it was first released. Small children enjoy enacting the world around them, which is why most of them love playing with baby dolls. This can also be a great choice for your child, as it allows them to develop their cognitive, fine motor, and self-help skills. Children can become more sociable and caring when they believe they have to look after a baby themselves, and this behavior is mirrored through adulthood, as suggested by empirical studies into child development. 


Most small children love playing with legos. Not only the characters and pieces are fascinating due to their colors, they enjoy putting the pieces together as their imagination comes to life. Whilst playing with this toy, children move their fingers helping with dexterity and they are required to follow instructions and learn what to do. Studies suggest that playing with legos is a good activity with numerous benefits, even for adults. This is a great activity to do together as a family. 

In Conclusion

There are many toys that children continue to love out there and it is crucial that we continue to encourage them to play with toys and avoid technological devices for as long as possible. The toys discussed on this page are still widely used by children and make great ideas for presents.

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