Zoey’s Attic Personalized Gifts #FashionFriday #Review #Giveaway

Disclosure: I received a personalized tee for review purposes. No other compensation was received. Though the product was free, opinions are 100% my very own.  It’s my birthday! I am now 2 years old and I can finally announce that…

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No Nonsense Naptime for Toddlers

If you are a regular reader of my blog you may have remembered that one of my toddler new year resolutions was to take more naps. Well unfortunately for mommy that hasn’t happened yet. Mommy remembers when I was younger it was…

Bluum 24 Month Old Box – January 2014 #Review

Now what would be the odds that 3 of my subscription boxes would pop up within the same week? I’m usually pretty good at putting my subscription boxes up within a day or two but due to mommy’s busy schedule…

Chinese New Year – Year of the Horse Celebrations #AlmostWordlessWednesday

I had the most amazing time this weekend with my mom and siblings and I wanted to share it with you. As you may have noticed our Almost Wordless Wednesday is back. This is where I usually highlight what happened…

Skip Hop Owl 4 Piece Toddler Bedding Set #Review

Disclosure: I received the Skip Hop Owl 4 Piece Toddler Bedding set for review purposes. No other compensation was received. Though the product was free, opinions are 100% my very own! I am a big fan of the Skip Hop…

Talk & Soothe Digital Video Monitor by The First Years #Review

In December, we posted about the FirstYears Talk & Soothe Digital Video Monitor and mentioned that we would be reviewing it shortly. Well, we took a trip to Canada and upon our return found it all boxed up. We have been using…

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