Holiday Inn Express Coralville, Iowa – Road Trip With Madison Part 2

I promised that I would share some more of my adventures from my road trip. For those who are reading this for the first time, mommy and I along with my siblings, recently decided to take a road trip from…

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Meet the Dooodolls! Review

Disclosure: I received Dooodolls for review purposes. No other compensation was received. Though the product was free, opinions are 100% my very own.  You may have heard of the Ugly Doll craze that was very rampant around 2006-2008. My big…

Get Rolling on a Bixbi Bike Review

Disclosure: I received a Bixbi Bike for review purposes. No other compensation was received. Though the product was free, opinions are 100% my very own.  Regular readers of my blog know that I am a daredevil. I was climbing out…

Cotton Tale Designs by Nina Selby #Review

Disclosure: I received Cotton Tale Toddler Bedding and Accessories for review purposes. No other compensation was received. Though the product was free, opinions are 100% my very own.  I have had the opportunity to work some amazing designers and I…

16GB iPad Mini Birthday #Giveaway

It’s my birthday and I’m celebrating all weekend long and I want you my loyal readers to celebrate right along with me. In honor of my birthday I wanted to do something very special. I’m having a big giveaway and…

Morgans Bowteek #Giveaway

Morgan’s Bowteek is a Mom owned Etsy shop that makes the most adorable little girl’s accessories. She makes custom bubblegum necklaces, bows, headbands and so much more! The best part is, she makes every piece custom! So if you want a certain color…

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