Getting Your Child Ready for Kindergarten

Do you have a child or preschooler starting kindergarten this school year? Kindergarten is an exciting time for any kid. Not only do they get to ride the bus and eat in the cafeteria, they get to learn important skills…

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Bluum 31 Month Old Box – August 2014

* This post contains affiliate and referral links. It seems like I just keep posting my subscription boxes later and later after I’ve received them. Please forgive me if you’ve been waiting to see what I received in my Bluum…

School Shopping at the Children’s Place

Disclaimer: I received a gift card to facilitate my shopping trip. No other compensation was received. Opinions are however always 100% my very own.  If you’re a procrastinator like mommy or you just haven’t had time to finish up your…

Back to School with J. Crew Crewcuts

Disclaimer: I received products  for review purposes. No other compensation was received. Though the product was free, opinions are 100% my very own.  School is almost in session for everyone, but for those of us here in the West we…

Ways to Incorporate Learning Into Your Toddler’s Day‏

For toddlers between the ages of one and three, learning looks a whole lot like playing. After all, play is how they discover all about the world and how it works. If you have a toddler this age, don’t worry…

Nickelodeon Back-To-School DVD Roundup – Giveaway

Disclaimer: Growing Up Madison received no compensation for this post. School is almost in session for those on the East coast and those in the West has already started. We had a great summer and now it’s time to go…

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