Sparkly Snowman Cupcakes

Can you believe that there’s only 61 days before Christmas? You’re probably saying to yourself, but Halloween isn’t here yet and we still have Thanksgiving to go. Well it’s always great to have a headstart and what better way to…

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Keep Em Looking Fabulous in Fab Kids – October 2014

Disclaimer: I received products  for review purposes. No other compensation was received. Though the product was free, opinions are 100% my very own. October is almost over but it would be remiss of us if we didn’t share our Fab…

Trick or Treating Tips this Halloween

Fall is here, which means that Halloween is right around the corner! One of the best things about Halloween is the family tradition of going trick-or-treating. If you’re considering taking your family trick-or-treating, here are a few tips you’ll want…

Bluum 33 Month Old Box – October 2014

* This post contains affiliate and referral links. I am getting later and later with my Bluum reviews and while this one is also late it’s actually a lot earlier than our 32 month old boxthat we received last month. I…

Cranberry Tea Cookies

The weather has gotten so much cooler in the past couple of day and it has been getting darker a lot quicker in the afternoons as well. We are looking forward to daylight savings time and can’t wait for it…

Joovy Toy Car Seat – It’s the Real Deal

Disclaimer: I’m a Joovy Blogger and received products for review purposes. No other compensation was received. Though the product was free, opinions are 100% my very own. We just celebrated National Car Seat Safety Month in September. If it’s one…

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