Chocolate Dipping M&M Stirring Spoons

With the cold weather officially here there is nothing better than sitting down with a nice hot cup of chocolate. Here is a way to make your chocolate even more yummy. Chocolate and M&M’s, how yummy is that? It is…

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VTech InnoTab Max – Built to Grow With Your Chil

Today it’s all about my big brother Mikael. If you’re a regular reader you know that Mikael is autistic. He actually just turned 10, yes he had a birthday a week ago but he has the mental capacity of a…

Fab Kids is Fabulous for the Holidays

The holidays are fast approaching and that means that you’re going to want those holiday photos. Right? Am I right or what? I know that mommy is already thinking of holiday pictures of the family. While I won’t be here…

Welcome to Tooby Doo New York

Welcome to another Fashion Friday! We had to take a break because of the snow we’ve been having in our lovely state of Colorado.  I actually said that in my most sarcastic voice. Mommy and I love taking our fashion…

Thanksgiving Pretzel Turkeys

I can’t believe that Thanksgiving is almost here. It’s a day we get to spend with family and/or friends and show how thankful we are. Very often at every dinner there are kids that celebrate with family. What better way…

Tips for Cooking Thanksgiving Meal with your Kids

Can you believe we’re only a week away from Thanksgiving? Thanksgiving is a big deal in our household and I try and include the kids in whatever activities that we have planned for that day. Whether your kids are barely…

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