Basic Disney Vacation Planning Checklist

With our own Disney World vacation coming up in just 4 months, I’ve decided that I wanted to share some Disney planning tips with you. This will not be our first trip but it will be for Madison. For those…

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Ways to Decorate a Kid’s Bedroom on a Budget

Getting that new look for your child’s room can add up over time. It’s important that you find a way to decorate your kid’s bedroom without breaking the budget. I want to share 5 ways to decorate a kid’s bedroom,…

Shrimp Salad Bites

It’s Monday morning and the first work day of the week. We are here patiently waiting for Spring to arrive but it seems Old Man Winter is here to stay. We have had more snow in the past week than…

Tips and Tricks for Going to Disney World with a Toddler

Disney World is a fantastic experience for children and adults alike. However, if you are heading to Disney soon with a toddler like we are, you are going to want to read up on some things that will make your…

New Years Treat: Cool Mint Body Scrub

Happy New Year! With the New Year here I want to share this relaxing treat with you. It is super easy to make and you’ll wonder why you’ve never made it yourself before. I like giving little gifts for the…

You are Going to Love Our Generation Dolls and Accessories

How many of you love Target as much as mommy and I do? Mommy can never resist going in there to buy “just one thing” and coming out with bags full of stuff that she didn’t go to buy. It…

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