5 Black Friday Safety Tips

Black Friday is coming! Are you ready? It has been quite some time since I have been to a Black Friday sale. The day after Thanksgiving, people are usually lined up at stores to get a head start on their…

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3 Ways to Boost Your Retirement Savings ~ #BlooomMy401k

When I thought about retiring a few years ago, I had no idea what was going to happen in the future. Sure, I had some money in my savings account that would last for a few months in the event…

De-Stress Your Holiday Party

Let’s be honest: while Christmas parties are a beloved part of the season, they can also be one of the major reasons that stress rates spike across the country in the month of December. You want to be in the…

3 Home Efficiency Secrets that are Right Under Your Nose

Nowadays, with the cost of water and electricity skyrocketing, we all want a more efficient home. While advanced products like solar panels can dramatically reduce your energy usage, they are also quite expensive to install. On the other hand, there…

4 Ways to Save Energy During Winter

Winter is when most families spend the bulk of their energy expenses. Lights have to be turned on early in the evening, the heater needs to be run for months on end, and people are inside a significant amount of…

How I Easily Transformed My Entryway ~ #BeautifulUtility

Today I want to share how you can easily transform your entryway, and you don’t even have to do a complete makeover or even spend tons of money, courtesy of Wayfair and Home Dynamix. The following photo was of my…

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