Little Pea, Little Hoot and Little Oink

I’ve been meaning to do a write up for these books for a while and I’m finally getting around to it. Yay me! As most of you know, at least those of you who have been reading my blog from…

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Take Some Time to Smell the Roses

Today I’m not going to review any products or talk about any product for that matter. Today I’m just going to talk about how much fun I’m having being a toddler and with the nice weather we’re having. Spring is…

Shea Moisture Kids Line Review

We formerly oohed and ahhed over the Shea Moisture products (you can read our review here) so when the Kids line was introduced, Mommy and I thought, “Hey, just what we need. Something made especially for me!” We checked that…

May 2013 Toddler Bluum Box Review

So we received our Bluum Box and I can tell you that Mommy and I were not impressed at all. This month’s theme was called Cuddle Time and nothing we received made us really want to cuddle. As we mentioned…

Happy Memorial Day!

I want to say thank you to all those who have served and are currently serving in the military. To the veterans and active duty service members who have so faithfully and selflessly served our great country. A HUGE thank…

Its Been an Awesome Week

This post isn’t about any reviews but about my week. I’ve been neglecting to tell you about my adventures but I’m going to make it up to you. I little pinky promise. This week we got ready for our Memorial Day…

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