Wednesday: Speech Therapy Day

Today was a totally awesome day having spent it with my parents and siblings although my older brother made me cry today. Unfortunately for me he doesn’t like it when I go into his room and take his things and…

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Summer Protection for Toddlers? It’s a Must!!

Summer is definitely around the corner but we’ve been experiencing weather that definitely feels like it’s going to be a scorcher this summer. While reading up on summer protection we found this rather lengthy but very helpful article from WebMd.…

A Much Happier Sunday

Yesterday was a not so great day for me. Mommy was so tired after working so hard the day before that she slept almost all day. By the time she was up I was tired. Go figure! Well she did…

Not So Happy Saturday

Today has been a mediocre day for me. Mommy had to work and did not get home until after 6am this morning which means that there was no mommy time for me on a Saturday morning although I tried to…

June 2013 Stork Stack Subscription Box Review

As you know mommy and I have just started doing the subscription boxes. We signed up for Citrus Lane, Bluum and Stork Stack and we just received our Stork Stack Box. Stork Stack is a monthly subscription box service that…

There Might Be Change in the Future

I mentioned before that I’m a military kid and most people call us military brats but we’re just like every kid on the block with the exception that our mommies and daddies leave us for months on end to go…

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