How many of you love Target as much as mommy and I do? Mommy can never resist going in there to buy “just one thing” and coming out with bags full of stuff that she didn’t go to buy. It doesn’t help that I am usually with her and most of the items belong to me. Do you remember this post? Within Eye Level It’s Mine? Well Target has one of the best toy section that I have seen to date and almost everything that I want is always within eye level. It’s like they have them there just for me. One of the section that always hold my attention is the Our Generation dolls and accessories section. I can remember the very first time I made my way to that section in the toy department. I was hooked and it took mommy quite some time to get me away. She usually bribes me with fruit snacks, since it’s the one treat that she allows me to get that is close to candy, I always fall for it. That doesn’t mean that I forget about the Our Generation department, not at all, it’s still one of the first things I go for whenever we next visit Target.

Can you imagine my excitement when I found out that I was going to receive some awesome Our Generation products to share with you? I was over the moon! I couldn’t wait for them to show up. Now mommy couldn’t say “next time Madison”, which is what she usually says when I want something. My next time was now!
Before I go into what I received I want to tell you a bit about Our Generation. For every Our Generation purchase you make, a portion of the sales goes to Free the Childrens Power of a Girl Initiative. They also have Our Generation Girls where you get to nominate a girl that you think makes a difference in your community. If your girl’s story is picked she will be added to their website and will receive some amazing gifts. You do however need to mail in your nomination. Check out the Our Generation Girls page and see some of the amazing girls that have already made a difference.

Now that I’ve told you a bit about Our Generation. The kind folks at Our Generation totally my Christmas arrive early by sending me their Shannon “Magic under the Stars” Doll, Thoroughbred Horse and Saddle Up Stables. This past summer I rode a horse for the very first time at the state fair and here I was about to have my very own horse and stable to boot! My excitement couldn’t be contained. I couldn’t wait for mommy to open the boxes when they arrived.

My Shannon “Magic under the Stars” Doll is an 18 inch posable doll. I was amazed at all the pieces that came with her. 23 pieces of accessories to be exact. At a retail price of $34.99, mommy and I thought it was an amazing value. Shannon loves to camp and comes with a chapter book complete with bookmark. She comes with 2 separate outfits that you can interchange, a hoodie, cargo pants, plaid dress with belt, pair of knit socks, underwear, hiking boots, shoes, rope bracelet, canteen, roasting stick with hotdog and marshmallow, camping dish, camping cup, pen, list, travel book and map. She is totally ready to camp out. I have never been camping but playing with Shannon totally makes me want to go camping too.

Next is my Thoroughbred Horse which fits all 18inch dolls and comes complete with accessories that you’ll need if you decide that you’re going to go riding or even to groom her. She comes complete with saddle, saddle cushion, bridle, horse blanket, a map of the great west, a lantern, horse brush, sponge, bucket and canteen. You will enjoy having your doll ride on their horse and your little ones will even enjoy grooming their new horse. Now this is a great way to have a horse without actually having a horse. I know mommy would not allow me to have a real live horse so this is the next best thing.

Last but certainly not least is my Saddle Up Stables. Now every horse deserves a stable so if you decide to get the horse then you will most certainly need to get the stable. I couldn’t possibly see one without the other. After all your horse needs somewhere to sleep at night. The stable comes with everything that your horse is going to need. It includes a horse grooming bag, horse grooming set, horse brush, horse feeder, horse pen, spray bottle, sponge and hoof pick and lots more. I was amazed at all the accessories that came with the stable. Now you can get your horse ready for her ride and after her ride you can feed her and give her a good brushing. The stable is well built and very sturdy so can hold up to the rough handling of a toddler like me.

I love how Our Generation includes so many accessories with their products. They are all very well made and I guarantee that you won’t be disappointed. They make great gifts especially for toddlers who are rough on toys. You don’t want to spend too much money on dolls that your toddler is going to abuse. This is a great alternative to other more expensive dolls and the quality is great as well.

If you have a Target close by, just step in and check out their Our Generation section in their toy department. You can also purchase them online. If you’re not interested in horses then there are lots of other accessories that your little ones can play with. Let her imagination run wild and make a friend that will last for generations. Our Generation dolls and accessories totally gets my TWO TINY THUMBS UP!
Here are the ways you can connect with Our Generation:
- Website
- Our Generation Girls