Intermittent Fasting Myths And Facts Explained

Today, intermittent fasting has become popular with working professionals. It is a great way to balance your diet while keeping your body weight manageable. However, as with most things that get popular, a mixture of facts and myths propagates along with it.

People who hear about intermittent fasting receive mixed messages regarding the good and bad aspects of the practice. Thus, it can be tough to distinguish between the two without adequate research. Sure, you might have the time for it, so we’ve taken the courtesy for you.

Here are the most common intermittent fasting myths and facts explained in detail!

Although there are several myths related to intermittent fasting, this piece will focus on the most popular ones. These usually include the faults in the plan and who it is suitable for.

1. It is Good for Everyone

You can undergo intermittent fasting by modifying various parameters. Still, it is not for everyone. It can cause terrible harm to pregnant women and underweight individuals. People with eating disorders can suffer long-term physical and psychological consequences should they adopt intermittent fasting. Moreover, those suffering from diseases such as diabetes must consult with a doctor before preparing for such a plan.

2. Intermittent Fasting Increases Your Appetite

When you stave off anything for a long time, it can be tough to resist the temptation once the window to indulge reopens. In a case like this, professionals recommend using tracking apps that motivate by providing a bunch of beneficial tips and tricks on this diet. The same goes for food. But, it is not a lasting reflex. Once you get into a routine, your body adjusts to the nutritional intake, and your appetite becomes balanced. So, intermittent fasting won’t increase your appetite, although it can surely help control it.

3. Eating Frequently Enhances Your Metabolism

The popular belief is that increasing the number of meals can increase your body’s metabolism, making digestion of the food more efficiently. While the body does undergo a thermal reaction upon consuming food, it is more about what you eat than when. For example, if you maintain an 8-hour eating window, it can help improve your digestion, but if you increase the calorie intake, it can slow down the process. It can eventually lead to obesity and other digestion-related complications if left unchecked.

4. Intermittent Fasting Decreases Your Body Strength

People fear the possibility of losing muscular strength when going on a diet. While your body will consume the proteins stored in your muscles in the absence of any other nutritional sources, it is often the last resort. It is always the carbs that go first, and then the body fat.

Sure, people who are starting this habit for the first time might experience a few side effects, including headaches and minor fatigue. But, it is crucial to understand that these are usually temporary, and your body corrects the flow of nutrients within a few days. In fact, you can feel much more energized if you follow intermittent fasting appropriately.

5. You Should Restrict Your Water Intake during Intermittent Fasting

Your body needs water more often than it does food. That is why it is never a great idea to scale down your water consumption, especially during intermittent fasting. Your body needs water to regulate blood flow and ensure proper function for all vital organs.

You should maintain your daily water intake, whether on a diet or not. Adult men require at least 3.7 liters of water each day, whereas adult women need 2.7 liters of water. Of course, those are just the recommended numbers. You should check in with your doctor to see if you’re drinking enough water every day.

6. Intermittent Fasting Means Skipping Breakfast

‘Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.’ So, skipping breakfast means you’re going great with your diet, right? Well, not really. Some people plan their first meal later in the day, giving them a chance to socialize when eating. Nevertheless, skipping breakfast can develop unhealthy eating habits that can only increase your weight long-term.

For many people, eating the most substantial meal early in the day grants them enough energy to get through the day. They can balance the rest of the meals conveniently and wouldn’t regularly overindulge. Intermittent fasting is all about keeping the balance in your meals. Therefore, skipping breakfast might not be a good idea unless your nutritionist deems it necessary.

Top Intermittent Fasting Methods to Ace Weight Loss!

The cyclic routine where you fast for a fixed duration and eat in the remaining time during the day is defined as intermittent fasting.

As we are aware of the facts and myths of IF, here are some methods that are worth trying!

  • The 12:12 method: For starters, this is the best method. In this regime, you have to fast for 12 hours and eat in the remaining 12 hours. You can begin at 8 in the evening and fast until 8 in the morning. It would help your body adapt to a new cycle.
  • The 16:8 method: Once your body gets used to 12 hours of fasting, you can follow the 16:8 method. Here you have to fast for 16 hours and eat in the remaining 8 hours. This is a more advanced level and not recommended for beginners.
  • The 5:2 method: This is a more extreme version where you have to fast for 2 days in a week and eat according to your calorie intake on the other 5 days. This is not recommended for beginners as, well. The calorie intake for fasting days is between 500-600 calories.

In Conclusion

Hopefully, debunking the commonplace intermittent fasting facts and myths explained a lot about creating a healthier lifestyle. It is excellent when you want to adopt better eating habits, but you should do so judiciously.

Don’t start off just because you heard someone else do it beforehand. Always give priority to your bodily needs and consult a medical professional first!

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