Monocouche Render Problems

Rendering is a common construction task that people pay to have done to their properties for a range of reasons. There are lots of options when it comes to renders, one of the most popular being monocouche renders. But, as with most things, there are a few issues that come with monocouche rendering.

What is render?

Render is a construction material applied to the outside of homes and properties in a process called external house rendering. It is used to improve the appearance of a building, primarily. However, it also has other benefits, such as increasing the home’s resistance to the weather and the elements, protecting the property against dampness, improving thermal performance, and making a home more energy-efficient.

There are plenty of options for anyone looking to render their property, and monocouche render is just one of them. Applying render can be done by homeowners, but often it is done by professionals in order to ensure a perfect finish is created and to ensure that the home has been truly refreshed.

What types of render are there?

There are 3 main categories of render: silicone, acrylic, and mineral. Mineral applies to any renders made largely of natural materials, and silicone and acrylic render are centered around their namesakes. Within those three categories, there are seven popular types of render.

1. Cement render

Similar in some ways to monocouche render, cement render is often chosen for its low cost. It is one of the most basic and traditional render materials and is made from a mix of cement and sand combined to form a mortar. Like with monocouche render, pigments can be added to the mixture to color the cement, or it can be painted with masonry paint after setting.

Cement render, unfortunately, is not particularly flexible. So, as properties shift and move over time, cement render tends to crack, and thus isn’t a particularly great long-term solution. Cement is also often considered the least attractive render, and is slightly weather resistant, but not as much as other options.

2. Lime render

Lime rendering is made from a mixture of lime and sand combined together into a mortar. The lime within the mixture allows the render to have some flexibility, making it much less likely to crack than other more rigid materials like cement. The natural materials within lime also give it a much more natural and attractive appearance. It does, however, take significantly longer to apply and set.

Lime rendering is also one of the most eco-friendly options when it comes to rendering your home!

3. Pebble dash render

This is a slightly more exciting render that involves making a mixture of either lime or cement and then adding in pebbles, shells, and stones for a more interesting texture. These can be added to the render whilst it is wet or after it is applied.

The stones and shells in the pebble dash provide extra water and weather resistance. However, this isn’t a popular render choice anymore, so it can often look dated.

4. Acrylic render

Adding acrylic into the whole rendering process and the render systems gives the render specific acrylic properties. These include water resistance and flexibility, which means that acrylic render is much less likely to crack than less flexible renders and that it is also much less prone to discoloration, algae, and dampness as it tends to protect itself and the home from water much better than other types of render.

5. Silicone render

Silicone render is a mixture of cement and silicone, and it has amazing water resistance. The material is actually hydrophobic, meaning that not only does it not let rain into the brickwork of your external wall, but it also prevents it from penetrating the surface even a little bit. This reduces the need for maintenance.

Silicone, by nature, is also very flexible, so cracking is much less likely. This means that your home will have continuous insulation and that you won’t have to fix the render often.

6. Spraycork render

This is one of the most environmentally friendly renders, and it uses the natural properties of cork to protect the wall. Cork is water-resistant and is a great insulator, so by using it to cover your external wall, you get to reap the benefits of that! Cork is also fairly flexible, so cracking isn’t a huge issue with spraycork.

7. Monocouche render

Monocouche means one coat, and this render is named that simply because it only requires one coat. The coat can be sprayed on with machinery similar to those used by upvc painters or applied directly using a hand trowel in two passes. The fact that it takes only one coat is appealing to many, as is the fact that, like cement, monocouche render can come in a whole range of colors.

Just like cement, monocouche renders can be pre-colored. The render can have pigments added into the mix whilst the render is being mixed. This makes the whole monocouche rendering project much quicker, as no painting is needed! The render itself is cement-based, so whilst it is more durable than normal cement, it does have some drawbacks.

What are the cons of monocouche render?

Monocouche render has a fair few positives, and that’s why it is one of the most popular choices. However, it also has its fair share of negatives.

Does monocouche render crack?

The short answer is yes. But, all render cracks eventually. The real question is: why does monocouche render crack? The answer to this is the block work beneath it. Monocouche render tends to mirror the state of the material under it, so if your external walls are badly constructed or are cracking, then the monocouche render will crack too.

This is why many monocouche renders have hairline cracks. These tiny cracks don’t detract from the look too much on their own, but they can allow moisture to enter the render, which then, following bad weather, can lead to damp issues or algae. Both of which can cause discoloration and issues on the inside of the wall.

Is monocouche render waterproof?

Monocouche render is waterproof; however, it isn’t hydrophobic like silicone render. It is microporous, so whilst it will protect walls from most of the rain and the wet, it does let in some moisture. This can lead to the growth of algae and subsequent discoloration.

What are the pros of monocouche render?

The pros of monocouche are that it is not time-consuming, doesn’t need two coats, and can be done in a single layer. Despite hairline cracks, it can last as long as 25 years, and it can also be used on external wall insulation.

In Conclusion

Monocouche render is a good choice for those who want a durable and long-lasting render. However, it is important to remember that it isn’t perfect and cracks can occur. If you are considering monocouche render for your home, make sure that you get a professional opinion first to ensure that it is the right choice for you.

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