M.I.A and Going A.W.O.L

I have been M.I.A and A.W.O.L, all military terms because as you know by now I am a military toddler. I do not consider myself to be a military brat and actually detest that term. I am actually a very mild toddler who has not even experienced the terrible two’s. Yet still I have been Missing in Action and Absent Without Leave.

The past week has really been very stressful and things have not been quite up to par, both with mommy and me. It doesn’t mean that I’ve forgotten you my wonderful readers, it just means that we had to take a break to recompose ourselves.

This Thursday, yes only 2 days from now, my mommy who is also my writer will be in the hospital having major surgery so she will not be around for a few days. Once again that does not mean that you will be forgotten, it only means that reviews and all the awesome stuff that I bring to you, will be pushed to the back burner for a little bit until mommy gets better.

We do have a LOT to share with you including some amazing giveaways as well, and we hope that you will bear with us until thing get better. I promise I’ll be back and I will be bringing a bit of sunshine your way.

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