Top Tips For Managing A Hectic Lifestyle When You Have Children

If you are finding that you are becoming snowed under a lot of time with everything going on then there are ways to make this easier for you. Life can be busy and hectic sometimes, this is perfectly normal but if it is bringing you down then you need to slow down. Evaluate how you can make it easier to fit everything into the day. 

Meal Prep 

If you are running out of time or dreading doing dinner at the end of a busy day then meal prep could be the way forward. If you find yourself ordering takeout frequently because you lack the energy to cook, it may be affecting your health. Take some time over the weekend or on a day when you are less busy to prepare meals that can be reheated. This could be a dish like spaghetti bolognese, which will provide you with several meals from a single batch. You could also do chicken curry, as this freezes well. 

Online Deliveries

You may be constantly trying to fit in daily errands into your schedule; if you find yourself constantly running back and forth, online deliveries may be able to assist you. If it makes your life easier, then sign up for whatever you need. If doing your weekly grocery shopping is a chore, have it delivered at a time that is convenient for you. If you get it delivered when the kids are home, then they can help you unpack and put it away. You might also find that trips to the pharmacy for repeat medications are taking a lot of your time away from the day. There is online delivery for this also. Sign up for a prescription delivery service, it’s quick, easy, and, more often than not, free of charge. 

Work From Home

Trying to juggle home life and work-life when you have children can seem like an impossible task sometimes. It can be incredibly difficult and you wonder why you are exhausted most of the time. The problem with this is it can end up affecting your relationships and happiness, you have to try and find a happy medium. When covid-19 hit a lot of people decided to work from home or were instructed to work from home. If you think this will be easier and eradicate the time wasted traveling back and forth each day you could ask your boss if you could change to working from home. 

Hire A Nanny 

Finally, if you are busy with work and tiring yourself out trying to fit in school runs and looking after the children, then there may be a solution out there for you. There are plenty of childcare options that could fit into your budget. You could hire an au pair if you have a spare room. This is someone who lives with you and helps with childcare and housework whenever you need it. You could also hire a nanny or make use of before and after-school clubs. If you hire a nanny, then they come to your home each day for however many hours you need them for and watch the children so you can work and run errands whenever you need to. 

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