How My Family Makes Snacking Fun ~ #GoGurt

If your family is as busy as mine is, snacks probably play a pretty important role in your day. Whether you’re running from one appointment to the next or heading to a soccer game, choir concert or karate lesson, grabbing a quick snack can be just what you need to keep hunger at bay and your energy levels in check.

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But keeping my family happy isn’t as simple as filling the pantry with the same snacks each week. I’ve tried that, and it doesn’t take long for interest to fade. The bag of chips everyone loved three weeks ago? Not too exciting once you’ve bought it three times in a row. Instead, I try to keep things exciting by having a variety of snacks handy – and by always keeping my eyes peeled for fun new flavors of our favorites to try.

That’s why I’m excited to announce new Go-GURT flavors are now available! Yogurt is one of my family’s favorite snacks, and it’s one I’m always happy to keep around the house. It’s delicious and easy to eat when you’ve only got five minutes to spend in the kitchen –  or worse, when you’ve got to eat on the go. And while it certainly helps my family fill up when we’re in a rush, it’s also a treat we can sit down and share together as we fill each other in on the details of our days, play board games or watch television.

My family is excited for the brand-new Go-GURT flavors – Watermelon and Green Apple. These two flavors are inspired by JOLLY RANCHER, which are one of my family’s favorite treats.

We got our hands on the JOLLY RANCHER Go-GURT the moment we could so my family was able to give them a try. My family loves the Green Apple Go-GURT. Not only do they make a great addition to Madison’s lunch box, and are a must-have in the cooler on family road trips, but they are also an easy snack to enjoy when we’re hanging out around the house.

To spark some family fun I’m excited to celebrate the launch of these new flavors by holding a blind taste test with my family. I’m going to break out a couple of our favorite flavors and the new JOLLY RANCHER Go-GURT varieties, blindfold the kids, and see who can guess the most correctly.

If you’re as excited as I am about these new JOLLY RANCHER Go-GURT flavors, keep your eyes peeled at your local grocer and give them a try!

To learn more about the new the new Go-GURT flavors, visit

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