Its Been an Awesome Week

This post isn’t about any reviews but about my week. I’ve been neglecting to tell you about my adventures but I’m going to make it up to you. I little pinky promise. This week we got ready for our Memorial Day BBQ which we’re having today. I promise to post pictures when I review the products I’m going to tell you about.

I didn’t get to see mommy as much as I’d love to see her this week because of her job. She was even gone for over 24hrs at one time and I was really sad but it was so good to have her back the next day. She loves to read to me and usually makes up for not seeing me with lots of kisses. Talking about reading, I also got some new books in the mail from that online store that sends the boxes with the smiley face.

We went grocery shopping for food for our BBQ and a few extra equipment for me since I’m too little to sit at the big kids table. I got me a picnic table complete with umbrella and a new sandbox. I’m going to have so much fun. Now I can play in my sandbox and eat at my table while my brothers jump on their trampoline.

I’m so in love with my new kitchen and grill that I’ve been trying to make some unique meals as well. I even tried cooking my new kitten in my kitchen and got scratched in the process but I still love her. Mommy says that we can’t cook kittens in ovens but I’ve tried and I can definitely say that you actually can but whether you can eat them is another story.

I went to church as well at the end of the week and this time I learned about Daniel and the Lions Den. Daniel was thrown into a den of Lions for not bowing down and praying to the king of the country. He was so brave. He prayed to God and God sent his angels to shut the mouth of the Lions while he was in there so they did not eat him. I always learn something new when I go to church.

Me putting the angel on although upside down 

I hope you all have a marvelous day and enjoy your memorial day tomorrow. In memory of all who have served to keep our country free and those that are currently serving now including my mommy. I love you all!!

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