Useful Intermittent Fasting Tips From the Experts

 As you get older, certain aspects of life will become clear. You’ll be more conscious of your health, which is actually good, given the comorbidities that come with aging. Today, and because of the unhealthy eating habits as well as the availability of unhealthy foods, and poor lifestyles, there’s a great need to lead a healthier life. Among the ways you can trim those extra inches on the waistline includes fasting. But there’s more to fasting than meets the eye. There are three types of fasting that can help with weight loss.


These include calorie-restricted fasts, seasonal eating, and nutrient restriction fasts. In this piece, however, we’ll be shedding more light on useful intermittent fasting tips from the experts.


There are various intermittent fasting plans and it will be wise if you considered your bodily nutritional requirements before choosing just any intermittent fasting plan. Intermittent fasting, unlike the biblical type of fasting, involves partial abstinence from food. For instance, if you are the type of person who cannot go without four meals in a day, with intermittent fasting, you have to forfeit a meal or two.

Intermittent fasting isn’t for everyone because first and foremost, we are not created equal. Everyone has different nutritional requirements. Additionally, you may find people with underlying health issues. To help you out, this guide from the guys at 21 Day Hero will provide you with a healthy intermittent fasting program. This is a great 21-day challenge that will in so many ways help with your health goals. Below are other intermittent fasting plans:

  • Fasting for 12 hours – If you are a beginner at intermittent fasting, then this might seem like the best option. It doesn’t have to be 12-straight hours of fasting. You can start with six hours as you progress.
  • 16 hours intermittent fasting – Also known as the Leangains plan, it’s a great plan if you have already tried the 12 hours of intermittent fasting. This plan is effective in protecting people from diabetes, inflammations, and obesity.
  • Fasting for 1-2 days a week – You have the option of choosing the days you want to fast. Whether it’s on the first or the third day of the week, the choice is yours. You need to ensure that the days without any diet restriction, you are eating a healthy diet.


It’s of great importance to consult your doctor or nutritionist before getting into intermittent fasting. As earlier mentioned, there are health concerns that need to be factored in. While intermittent fasting can provide you with awesome benefits as you age, getting into such a program will highly be dependent on your day-to-day activities, health status, and age. You should not bother with intermittent fasting if:

  • You are diabetic
  • Pregnant
  • You have a sleeping disorder
  • You have eating disorders
  • You undergoing stress-related disorders


Meal prepping is always a great idea if you are into intermittent fasting. This will help to keep you away from the temptations of your comfort foods and snacks. Your ‘after-fasting’ meals should include healthy proteins, fruits, and vegetables. Prepping your meals will help to curb your urges when coming out of fasting.


This has been an age-old question and one that will be tackled here. As you might be aware, your body needs a lot of energy when exercising. The energy you may not have an inadequate supply of when on an intermittent fasting day. It’s highly recommended not to exercise on a fasting day as this might leave you drained of energy. But then again, whether you exercise on feasting or fasting day, that’s a personal preference.


Oftentimes, especially when on an intermittent fasting plan, you will be drained of the energy needed to go about your daily activities. This is understandable and you have no reasons to be worried about it. It will however be of great concern when you have underlying health issues. Among the ways to combat the low energy feelings include taking deep breaths, keeping yourself hydrated, sleeping, and having fun whenever you can. 

Intermittent fasting is increasingly gaining a lot of buzzes and is a great way that encourages healthy living. But then again, you don’t want to go about it blindly as there are concerns to be factored in. The above expert tips will provide you with insights that can be helpful if you are into intermittent fasting.

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